Monday, July 31, 2006

The unrealistic
Lian Ai Ping lu...This is e song I gonna listen toO...waiting for the youtube website to download it up. Heehee...Love this song alot..Though I'm not in a relationship..I can simply feel it romantic yet it ready yet...let me check.. XP
Hais...seems that it hangs..I changed to another song..didnt hear it before..Jue Jiang De Bei Hou
Time flies.. I think I've repeated it for umpteen times le...sorry for being so famn naggy..lOl.
Met my ex-sec school cum guzheng mate Chiu Lee, the bestsa fren I can eva have =) Had dinner in LJS and went shopping in Tampinese mall..Unfortunately, there's really not much place to shop..hais. Getting bored there. And we went back to white sand to meet my bro. Poor him lo, got detention till yest morning and had to return back at 8pm last evening...
And I showed him the cap...he refused to return to me!...And gave it to embarrassing la!!...shouldnt put the obiang..He thanked me...but hope he wont wear..hahaha...I told my two sista, and they both said not to regret wad I'd done. Truthfully, it's really silly to regret cos there's olwas a reason why you did something you think was foolish. Nvm bout that all, just consider that we're still frens for wadeva had happened right?..I'm just trying to show some a fren, isnt it? =)
Although it's truly not right to sae this as a gal, but I really wonder..will HE be my prince?? Maybe it really sounds silly...but I'm really curious... XP...I sounds so stupid and dumb!
Sometimes, I can even go day-dreaming and smiling away with every single of his msg.. Omg...
Hais, but one thing here, will he eva lyk me?...I doubt nope.
Wadeva, manda ya still have ya OC ta study la!!...stop being qiuxotic la!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Pray fer hIm!
Why must I be so worried when it's none of my concern?..Why must I do it so secretly to noe how is his condition right now?.. But I can't help ignoring all these impt things. I really dont know why I'm doing all these. But pls...I'm praying here that he'll soon recover and must must let him have enough rest. And pls god, I plead ya not to let him know all bout these...I dont wanna him ta know that I concern bout him...he just cannot know. Hais. I miss him...and hope he'll be fine soon...He will...I believe...=)

Okay, next move will be ta study HAP...gotta thrive on!!...I can do it!

*I'd lost a msn fren by my confession...I dont want ta lose another close fren by my foolish act again.*
*I care bout him, I pray for him, I think bout him...But I neva want him to know all bout these.*

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Time passes so fast...I realised that it can either be a past or a present tense, cos the moment for it to remain still is literally short. Looking forward to todae was bout few days ago, but e short dae jux passed with a short gathering with my colleages and meis, and now, sundae gonna arrive soon in 4 mins time. Doubt I'll spend beyond e time to write this post bah. Hais hais hais.... so moOdy now too...cos face lotsa pimples and e skin under my lips r burning red...I'm turning really ugly...So envied by other gals' good skin complexion...hais..why am I down to such mishap?... If it really gets worse...I'll seek a skin-specialist. I must too. Cos it's really disturbing and I'm getting worried of my appearance to this world! I really pray to have my smooth free-acne skin back!! HELP!
And next, he's sick...Jerry bro too..Think they dont have enough nutrients and I suspect their immune system too weak...cos before they get into NS, they've been out late at nites. I really feel sad for my bro, when da sao didnt even send him a single msg and failed to appear in e evening he returned. He felt heartbroken....hais...God must be playing games with him..but wadeva, there's olwas a reason to make things happen. Maybe god wanna him to make up some senses bah. That's actually good than bad =)
And him...who cares...hais. Know I really bad..I sent msg to him to take good care...but he failed to reply...I wonder if it's my msging problem again or he jux simply ignore my msg...anywhere, it doesnt matters much...cos I'm too tired to sort out all these ridiculous stuffs le. I love and hate myself at e same time...hate myself being myself cos I noe I've too many loving ppl around me and how fortunate I am...Hais hais hais. I'm still waiting for his msg.. Jus one simple reply "Ya I'm alrite", this is enough...more then enough..

Monday, July 17, 2006

Frens shall last more..
"Treasuring a friendship more than a relationship"...this is wad I'm doing now. To's the same too. He told Jerry brO tt he knew it all...cos Yali voiced out for me secretly bout my admire to him...hais..silly Yali..y do this..but I noe she meant well =) No way to blame her too. Yeap..sooner or later he'll noe..hence had to thx Yali too. And at e same time, I'm making things obvious, y must I reply his msg so fast?..My bad really.
He mentioned too that he dunno wad ta do, but I'm not requesting him ta do anything for me!..I'm not asking him to be with me or wadeva, I jux wanna be his friend. Jux friend would simply be enough. He felt bad too cos he told me he liked a gal from his poly, "Go for it!" was what I responsed! And he knew wonder he refused to tell me more bout tt gal.. wad, I even knew bout him and Fiona...bout his ex it makes thing any different?...Ans is definitely no. Jerry bro feel pissed off that he said he'd no feelings for me and yet he often msg me...yea, why??...To really "spread a fishing net into the sea" and hopefully "catch a lot of fish?" And here I gonna speak myself clear, I'm not going to be one of those pathetic fishes and unless necessary, I hack care to all his msg. I'd sworn not to chase anymore guys's really bad enough for the first to ignore me and even friends we're unable to make then. Sad..Thus I'll not do this to Kenneth and the rest of e guys out there...I dun need such pity...cos I'm not so desperate at all!...I'm single, I love ta be. I rather be loved first then I learn to love my e significant other. Such thing dun need ta olwas said: Let nature takes its course.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Let me see...wad horoscope gonna forespeak about my saturdae..Hais..morning had passed few hours ago...evening falling soon...and it says that I have ta avoid conflicts at home..not my mum again I hope..X(
Nothing really special bout this week....but had a lot if fun with my classmates..n e 'lovely' birds we were expecting to be. But one thing I'd to highlight here is that...if ya're willing to start a relationship..ya'd to be fair by being generous and introduing ya e other partner other than keeping such a low profile!..I really hate such unsightly style of a guy to do sort of thing.
And next is that...I miss him alot..looking forward to his return on fridae from Tekong...I dunno why I lyk him so much...n I'd to say..I'm just that silly to do all these. He msg me bout 2 times a week...I wonder if he'd did these to other female frens of his...but wadeva, I'm jux reluctant to tell him that "I lyk u.."

Friday, July 07, 2006

Botak Man
I don't know whether we'll be meeting todae. But think I'll be reaching bout 7:30am to meet Jerry first. Last post I'd mentioned canceling the movie thingy, and the next dae we actually went to watch . Omg...damn funny lor!..Can't help laughing bout all those stupid stuffs that happened to them..electrifying kisses..hohoho..amazing. Then we went to hunt for his cap...too bad, really cant find any of his taste.
Wadeva, I'd made a trip to Far East Plaza yesterdae evening to customise a cap for him...brown colour on the anterior and net white on the posterior...with his name on it..sprayed with silver piant...and a 2688(his bike no.) on the tip left of his cap. I'm wondering when to give him. And most impt of all, I don't wanna him to noe that it's a gift from me...actually wanna hang the handle of his bike yesterdae while on e wae back home..back damn luck..can't find his bike. Think he was ready to go back home real late yesterdae. So he would have waved and taken a taxi home with his friends. Hope he'd fun....and wonder if he'll be damn tired not...wadeva, none of my business...still deciding whether to give him the gift not...yes or no...omg!!....hais.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

School this week is real =) Had 1 hr OC tutorial and 3 hours PIPC practical. Rather fun yesterdae...lab quite interesting. Making our own concentration of solution...heehee...maybe it's simple, that's why I like it=P However, it was definitely a bad start of school yesterdae morning. I was 5 mins late for OC tutorial, given an involuntary job to answer a particular question and end up being scolded for telling her "I dunno how to do"....but I did try to answer part of it!!..hais..Though I was stunned..I was surprised that I was not angry with what she'd done to be by snatching the OHT away...jux simply forget it...I realise I'm turning mature and calm with certain things, hope it's a good sign =)
And yesterdae nite he called to ask bout watching movie todae.....I promised him at first to meet in Tampinese...but ltr lied to him that I'd a group meeting after school and cancel the date with him...I dunno why I'm so mean..but I believe that it'll do us both good. I really dont understand this guy..I asked him bout his personal stuffs, but he jux refused to say, what can I do?...How to understand him more??..when time is so so so tight...He gonna have his hair botak this Fridae, and maybe I'll be meeting him and Jerry bro for a breakfast. I'm now wondering...what I can give him as a gift which can serve some use during his NS. A cap??...Da jie suggested that to me..or..hmm...I really the same time, I realised that I'm not ready to start any relationship cos I'm totally not prepared for it. I'm reluctant to spend my time dating, I would rather study...I'm unable to give my full attention to my partner because I need them for my school work..I gonna spend 33 hours per week in school..and maybe more when the saturdae remedial starts. How can I spend (24 x 7)=168-33-(8 x 7)=89-9=80/ that enough to spare for a first love??...when ya actually need ta understand him first.. I can't I know. Hence, forget bout all those stuffs and might as well get on with my studies. It is a reality that my education cert will stay with me forever, but not a unstable relationship. Maybe mum is right, study well, get to a uni, get a good job, find a good man there and yeap, start wadeva shit ya wanna have. I wanna a romantic most dramas do.=P
At the moment, I jux love myself, my family and frenx too much. Think I would rather spend more time with them =)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Damn it all
Few lessons that I've learnt....
*Olwas analyse a problem before applying any actions to it...
*As a parent, there's a need to understand your child more than u teach them what is right and wrong
*Olwas stand in other ppl's shoes, cos in that way, u're being efficient
*Realise that what you're angry about is the problem and not the person
Days passed, and I haven gotten a single msg from him...Recently, he seems to be contacting my liu meis, as my meis found some missed calls from him...Wadeva, it's none of my business..I'd predicted that he's the second ah ji...hence let's not waste my time. There's some reason behind these...but I'm tired to explain any further...I noe I'm calm but I jux cant understand why all these unhappy things happened.
Besides's still me in the end.