Monday, February 23, 2009

Back from ZOO! (:
Am so delighted after the trip man :D
Cos yea yea, first time to ZOO, and with fatherly Stupid Shit,
it's more than fun alone (:
Took lotsa pictures, and yea, all in Hao's camera!
Stupid shit will be uploading the pictures into his com & YEASH! I will update asap! (:

Thanks Hao & Rin too!
For granting this trip (:
I love ya gals to max!
And Stupid shit, for breaking my 19 years of record for entrance to ZOO! :D
Nevertheless, I love you too (:


To Stupid Shit:
Thanks for tolerating my stupid temper at times.
Thanks for telling me it's normal for gals to be like this.
Thanks for accepting stupid stunts from me all times.
Thanks for bullying & cheering me up every time, without fail.
Thanks for making me fall down and have a good laugh with me these days.
Thanks for playing WWF with me, and offering me as the winner.
Thanks for feeding me with nice and good foods.
Thanks for bringing me to places that I yearn to go.
Thanks for scolding me SUCKLING PIG when I know I'm such an angel to you (HOHOHO!.)
Thanks for your time when you're so packed with events at times.
Thanks for your forgiveness when I haven't change for better.
Thanks for calling me whenever I thought of you.
Thanks for tracking me backwards when I'm running damn slow with you.
Thanks for being crazy with me and accepting how crazy I am.
Thanks for being immune to my violence, and laughing out loud when I told you "I'm more sad than you cos I'm born to be violent!"
Thanks for encouraging me more when I sucks at bowling & almost gave up.
Thanks for looking into my eyes, and blink as I requested.
Thanks for telling me I have big head, big nose, plump and all I know you can't reject me anyway.
Thanks for more...
Love you, as always I do. (:

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