Friday, February 27, 2009

Yea, yesterday marks the last day of Starhub course training programme! (:
But we'll definitely miss those 3 days,
cos it's absolutely fun! (:

Then had dinner with Hao, Hwee Leng & Stupid shit at CS.
So yup home sweet home after that.
Anyway, was bit sad & guilty yesterday.
Hopefully things will be over soon.
I just need you to understand my point,
I wanna know yours too.
Ultimately, it takes 2 hands to clap.


Night Safari later,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh man.
Tired but happy (:
Alright, brief one here.
Yesterday was the first day of Starhub course training for Hao, Stupid Shit & me.
And on top of that, or the highlight of the day was the sight of Ms Edna Lao (one of the course trainer) and Stupid shit's bunk mates!
Namely, Ying Xin, Shui Rong & Zhi Sheng.
We were all so stunt O.O
But gladly to say that this coincidence is really wonderful (:
Anyway, this course training will last for 3 days, till tml for mine, while Friday for some of them.
But I did enjoy the course, despite all the theories la.
As you understand, it's somehow exhausting...
But of course I understand that our trainers feel none other better than us all.
Oh yup, our trainers are Cynthia, Harp, Goldie,Edna & Ivan.
They are great.... speakers & teachers.... to me la.
I feel myself more of a student than a colleague.
Hokay, that's all for the day.
No more sweet post.
That's only for like once in a blue moon?
Gotta keep & give at times.
Hao de, LOVES to all again.
And last but not least, please take good care of ya health peeps.
Weather a bit "SORT" these days, pretty unpredictable.
Hence, take note yea (:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Back from ZOO! (:
Am so delighted after the trip man :D
Cos yea yea, first time to ZOO, and with fatherly Stupid Shit,
it's more than fun alone (:
Took lotsa pictures, and yea, all in Hao's camera!
Stupid shit will be uploading the pictures into his com & YEASH! I will update asap! (:

Thanks Hao & Rin too!
For granting this trip (:
I love ya gals to max!
And Stupid shit, for breaking my 19 years of record for entrance to ZOO! :D
Nevertheless, I love you too (:


To Stupid Shit:
Thanks for tolerating my stupid temper at times.
Thanks for telling me it's normal for gals to be like this.
Thanks for accepting stupid stunts from me all times.
Thanks for bullying & cheering me up every time, without fail.
Thanks for making me fall down and have a good laugh with me these days.
Thanks for playing WWF with me, and offering me as the winner.
Thanks for feeding me with nice and good foods.
Thanks for bringing me to places that I yearn to go.
Thanks for scolding me SUCKLING PIG when I know I'm such an angel to you (HOHOHO!.)
Thanks for your time when you're so packed with events at times.
Thanks for your forgiveness when I haven't change for better.
Thanks for calling me whenever I thought of you.
Thanks for tracking me backwards when I'm running damn slow with you.
Thanks for being crazy with me and accepting how crazy I am.
Thanks for being immune to my violence, and laughing out loud when I told you "I'm more sad than you cos I'm born to be violent!"
Thanks for encouraging me more when I sucks at bowling & almost gave up.
Thanks for looking into my eyes, and blink as I requested.
Thanks for telling me I have big head, big nose, plump and all I know you can't reject me anyway.
Thanks for more...
Love you, as always I do. (:
YOYO peeps!
I'm back! (:
And a brief updates for ya :D
Have been working as a flyer distributor at Great World City... for the past 2 days (:
And yeapy, it's ZOO trip tmr!
With Stupid Shit! (:
And what's next?!
Coming Friday will be going to Night Safari with the GALS! (:
It's damn it exciting yea yea :D

Btw, spent 40 bucks on a ZARA perfume after work in GWC.
A bit heartbroken, but I know it's worth it after all.
I just need some days to cease that wound.
Anyway, I love the perfume.
And I seriously believe my gals & my friends & my Stupid Shit will agree to it as well. (:
P.S. Perfumed Water ZARA Tender Peony, you may love it before you knew it (;

And to repeat again...
I am so damn HYPER now!!!!! :D

Take care peeps!
More to update soon! (:....
Again I guess...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back with photos!

Pictures come randomly, so yup yup^^

Valentine Day Special:

Prepared Tiramisu & Dark Choc for our Valentines, together with Hao, Chef Tony & Andy.
Jo, our supporter (:

Prawning with Stupid shit's NS friends:

Had real fun that day!. Caught quite number of prawns, and yea man, satisfaction. (:
Peeps there were Pei Qing, Shui Rong, Shao Feng, Ying Xin, Zhi Sheng, Guan Ting, Jia Le, Jia Wei, Yang Yuan, Kenny & Chelsea.

Puala Ubin trip:

Went with Huiyi & Kok to Ubin! Pleasant day (:

Stupid Shit's ORD parade:

Happy for ya guys! (: Congratulation again!

Happy 3rd month anniversary:
We are together for 3 months plus le, let's jia you together bah Stupid shit (:

Managed to take photo with Da Jie in the bus (: Long time we haven't take group photo le :(
Anyway, lotsa loves to the gals (:

Lotsa loves and hope you'd enjoyed your special day!
We all had dinner at WARAKU.
First time though.

Alright! Finally man.
Done le YEAH! :D

Recently had been busy...
And yea, hopefully things I hope to fine will be fine.



Monday, February 16, 2009

Going ta find job le.
And finally in few hours decision,
I'd decided what I want (:
Hospitality & Tourism (:
One which I'd yearned and even cried for.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The scariest thing in life...
I'm clueless of what I'm fearing for, but it's simply deep in me.
Can't get rid of it.
And it's kinda irritating...
I just hope everything of mine is an acceptance.
Everyone can like really lead life IN PEACE.
Anyway, had a nice Valentine day with Stupid Shit, Pei Qing & Shui Rong.
Had fun laughing at one another.
Then home sweet home after DINNER & SHOPPING.
Kai xin jiu hao lo... (:
Why care so much when it's kinda...
I think...
Alright update soon peeps!
Am still arranging my pictures.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Am like a stray cat now...

No money, no ambition, no targets at all.
I think the scariest thing in life is when you don't even know what you want.

So yup.
$$$ first.
Job, yea I need a job.
This time to be a full time or you can say a permanent one.
No job-hopping this time round.
I'm reaching TWENTY alr -.-

Second, I need to get some enlightenment of what I wanna do and be in near future.
What I'm really interested in...
In the past, it was Hospitality & Tourism...
Yah, I actually describe it as IN THE PAST.
So what do you think then -.-
Was wondering if Banking & Finance works well for me...
but do I really have that interest in it?
Unless it's mostly bout Mathematics (:
I don't wanna study a course that I really really have NO interest in this time :(
This is such a torture.

Thirdly, I need a balance life style now.
As in...
I don't really know how to elaborate my thoughts over here.
But it's rather a complication to me.
Even I myself find MYSELF a nuisance -.-
Hao luan ar...
Human relations.
I should study this? -.-

Lastly, I so gotta spend my time well with my gals & friends & Stupid shit or I have this feel that we can't get to meet that often once the BALL STARTS ROLLING again :(

Alright, that's life, accept it then.
Cheers to all.
And I'll update SOON with PICTURES!
Really Really (:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Will soon upload my photos for the past few days! (:
UPDATE SOON!.... with pictures.
Though we'd talked...
I still feel guilty...
You still may not understand how exactly I'm feeling now...
But I know I MUST learn to be independent.
To give you your own space.
Blog again soon (:
im here (lihao)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Finally, SCHOOL is over.
POLY life come to an END. (:
It's happy, it've been happening, it's a bit saddening as well.
Can't bare to leave my fellow cliques.
Will really miss ya guys. Yeap Yeap.

We'll be meeting soon at Bedok 85. (:
My Ba cou mee!

Don't miss me hor Stupid shit.

SMILEx everyone (:
Cheers to many many.
LAST poster presentation later! (:
Not nervous at all, don't know why...
But yup, I think my leg will soon shiver when I'm in front of my audience bah. -.-
Pray & wish myself LUCKS (:

Just bit disappointed with somebody...
For picking on me for like no reason? -.-
What's now that I'd done wrong?
Why not you just admit that you adore your sons more?
Why not you can't be that open-minded?
For another one, I just realized that I need some respects from you, oh I mean ya guys.
If you know bout self-respect, that's what I'm asking for too.
It's really ding dong bell.
And that makes me pissed the whole day yesterday.
Thinking why are ya guys so damn....
Speechless la.
Just disappointed.
Hey the LIMs, don't get so STUBBORN can?! -.-

Alright, hack care bah.
Wait for things to settle down, I'm sure to prove it sooner or later (:

Monday, February 09, 2009

Gonna have presentation tml...
Wish me luck ks? (:
I really gonna bull shit tml.
Thanks Stupid shit.
I can really feel bitters and sweets throughout this 3 months with you. (:
And I can tell you, it's xin fu de...
Alright, kai xin le (:
Was feeling sick yesterday, so didn't get to blog.
Yesterday wasn't a good day for me either... yup am upset but not angry.
Anyway, not important.

Will update again maybe at night, with pictures (:
See ya. ^^

Friday, February 06, 2009

Just cooked breakfast for myself.
Can't leave without breakfast, UNLESS I had buffet the day before.
Saved penny for myself too. (:

Stupid shit's ORD was meaningful to me.
Cos I get to see their second home. (:
In PeiQing's entry, she mentioned bout those very nice memories that guys had for the past 2 years.
They grew up from a boy to a man.
Etc etc.
That really moved me. (:
Can understand how they feel now.
Partially relieved that ORD is over, partially heavy-hearted, cos they certainly can't bare to leave one another.
But yea man, Stupid shit, I'm of proud of you.
Gong Xi Gong Xi!.
And same goes to the rest of his army friends.

And after the parade, went over to Stupid shit's house for dinner.
Again, it's sumptuous dinner! (:
Cooked by Stupid shit's Mum.
Wau seh, shiok ar.
I love her soups. (:
Her cooking style is roughly like my mum's.
Gou wei! Yummy to the max.

And at last, we joined Hao & Boon & Boon's friends for bowling.
My bowling, really...
But nvm la, I now can throw straight liao.
Cheer up cheer up.

At the very very last, home sweet home. (:

And a small good news, I managed to park my car straight a bit,
better than yesterday's. :D
Got happy for me mah?
But hor... I missed my way on the way back home la. -.-
Thanks goodness got Hao or I HIGH le.

And Stupid shit so funny, he kept reminding me to be careful.
Like my mum!
Shou bu liao.

And thanks my gals!
Whom don't mind being my passengers!
Love ya gals to max. (:
Auntie chit chat.
Forever not enough.

Okay, off to school later!. (:

Thursday, February 05, 2009

No more emo-ness!
Will be updating with pictures again soon! (:

Yesterday drove my gals home,
except for Hao who didn't have this benefit cos she gotta be my instructor for parking. :S
Sorry sorry...
In future I'll try park myself! :D

And later on, will be going Stupid shit's ORD parade (:
Going see him soon le...
Happy shit again.

One last happy thing to mention.
I finished my MP poster already! :D
Left printing to do though.

Alright, cheer up Manda!
More happy events to come. (:

I kanna many pimples these days T.T
Don't care la, will go away itself (:

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Today, I turned out a bit upset.
Bout certain stuffs, which I think it's my sensitivity that raise the problem again.
At times, I think it's my fault.
At times, I'm bloody pissed with lousy attitudes.
Where's the concern peeps? -.-
I can't have Stupid Shit by my side day and night.
He has his life too.
He needs his friends too.

I'm like...
Like an empty shell.
So strong at the outside,
and damn weak inside.

I thought I could protect others,
but now I realize I need it instead.

This kinda feeling is so... unreasonable.
So weird that I couldn't find a logical explanation for all these craps...

I just feel lousy bout it.
I am so lag behind, that's all.

It's not bout not catching up,
yah perhaps it's all bout me that's the problem.
Or is it I'm too dumb to understand all?

Can anyone explain to me.
I'm busy, but ass, I just can't stop reflecting.

Once everything is over,
I'm so going to be myself again.
I'm not myself yet I think.

Alright, for now, it's all bout my school mates and my cliques that can really cheer the inner me.

Just ignore bah Manda.
Things will flow itself.
Or perhaps you'd thought way beyond that.


Sadness in the air~

To Stupid Shit:
Though I always nag & fight with you,
I just gotta say thanks thanks and thanks.
I think you'd really try your best for many things.
In fact I feel damn sorry for taking up your time.
But seeing that I'm able to make you laugh as well, I'm contented as well. (:
Love you. As always.
Let's still stick to 2 kids. ^^ LOL.