Monday, November 26, 2007

Ohaiyo gozaimasu!. =)
Doing research and blogging at the same time.
Argh... No music.
Okay, YOUTUBE then!.
I'm hoping that this post will be long,
to fulfill the week's requirement.
Wonder if I've time to blog that often.
Doubt on myself.

These days, reviewing my life, recovering from the "depression" I'd past few weeks.
It's really a disaster lah -.-
Calling for death whenever I've problems,
this really show the real weakness in me.
Hating nobody but myself.
Why am I born to be in such a pathetic state.
But come to think of it,
it's life lah.
God gives you what u're suppose to have.
NO one is perfect,
so why compare?.
I'm ugly, stupid, slow and whatever you can name it out.
But I have some mature thoughts that perhaps can help me out in LIFE?.
Yah.. Gotta accept the fact and get on moving.
One more year for Poly to end.
And I can't imagine what will happen to me if I gonna work alone for SIP.
Hope my friends will be there too -.-

And LIFE teaches what PEOPLE are.
I accept it anyway.
Huiyi you should know it too yea?!.

And I feel bad for some reasons.
No point saying out here unless I'm able to compensate.

Wow wow!!~
Loving "way back into love"---> Super nice =)
Love?. where's mine?.
Hahas. No lah.
Am I even fit enough to get involve?.
Hais. Missing him.

Love to ---> My Jie meis,
AF-15 clique,
Weisian & Shermaine
Chilling club


Cheers & ganbatte kudasai!.

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