Saturday, November 24, 2007

I'm back! =D
Wau seh... It was a terrible experience last 2 weeks.
Worse than anything I could ever expect -.-
But yup, now that it's close to OVER, I make sure we work closely tgt again and do OUR BEST =)

These days, we've been chasing bus you know!!!.
And it's really funny!.
Run and there like chasing an invisible idol =P
If I've time I'll draw it out to show what happened exactly =X LOL.

Today, it's basically a "CELEBRATION" for Huiyi and me.
Some ASSHOLE said he'll bring us to register for the BTT,
and ended up pang seh us for movie -.-
but he never keep his promise
Okay, I'm not angry cos he join the rest for movie,
plus I hate his PROJECTS.
Whoever he wanna flirt with, I wish him bad luck =X
Come on, don't play the innocent gals out there u ASSHOLE TAN KE WEE!.
As a buddy of urs, I'm disappointed.
Need not try so damn hard to make up for me, cos it's a NO USE.
I hate ppl doing things for SHOW.
I'm not an actress, so don't get me and Huiyi involve ks =)
Pissed off by such person.

Anyway, ppl changes.
So I gotta accept it.
Wadeva, I enjoyed myself today.
Had fun.
So long haven't had such laughters from me.
Btw, all tests to me were fine, but I can't guarantee all pass la.
I did my best, I'm glad enough =D
Next round, gotta AIM FOR SMTH.
Ganbatte kudasai!.

Arigato Huiyi san for the shade!. =D
It's damn cool la.
Iyo, owe u one!. =X

Okay, oyasumi kudasai minasan!. =)

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