Wednesday, February 14, 2007


What the hell lo. Hais, I just wanna be left alone and evaluate what had happened these two months. I disgree that it turned out to be smooth! Problems, conflicts, glares, what else can be worse off than this man. I just want PEACE!!.. Oh god, for our case (that include Mich and Bella), we're totally foreign to the project, certain things happened, and hence we're blamed just for nothing. Yesterday certainly was not Mich's day. Really. I can understand how she felt. Haisya, I'm not being stubborn or whatsoever, I just dislike him.

As for what had happened, I'm sort of reluctant to say cos it may turned out to be a complaint to you guys, as a GENEROUS lady, I shall assume that matter had rested. Here, I would give my sincere apology to my poor msn friends whom I dao-ed yesterday night. Sorry, really not in the mood last night. I'm an emotional person, hence many small things can matter to me a lot. To some others, it's just a peanut to them cos they're just being so CHILDISH. One thing I learnt from this is, point out mistakes when you need too. No point keeping them to yourself and stab others back when time is to come. Seriously no point.

Alright, I shall end here for goodness sake. Study. And survey later. Dyeing my hair today, gosh, damn excited!!.. And not to forget, I gonna meet my fellow Tom Berry people tonight!!.. They are simply so sweet and real, hope this friendship last and even after we graduate =) Okay, that's all...byebye!!...

Sign off,
Manda the undeterred X)

P.S. I saw Taizi again in ITAS concourse two days ago!!!... Omg!!... I simply love the way he is XP lol. Okay, stop here X)

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