Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Argh!.. Get away from me!

Suddenly feel myself like a flirt. But what have I done exactly?.. I also don't know. Realised that the guys I know as anonymos were all having PMS!.. Feel so disappointed and disgusted X( They were so childish!.. I won't want to mention them here but just want to tell you guys... GET LOST!.

I don't want anyone to enter another part of my life cos I'm really not ready yet, so leave me alone yea. I just wanna play!.. And work and work and work..

Hais... Don't know la!.. Why can't I be with the one I liked once?.. I'll be more happy like this. I don't want a friendster-relationship!!..rrrr...

Frankly speaking, what I want exactly?.. Just let nature takes its place bahs.. X\

Btw, exams finally over!!!.. Woot!!.. But I know I may have to take round two supp papers, so no difference made to me anyway XP hohoho.

Alright, I going to rest le. Byebye people!..

Cheers, Manda

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