Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Argh!.. Get away from me!

Suddenly feel myself like a flirt. But what have I done exactly?.. I also don't know. Realised that the guys I know as anonymos were all having PMS!.. Feel so disappointed and disgusted X( They were so childish!.. I won't want to mention them here but just want to tell you guys... GET LOST!.

I don't want anyone to enter another part of my life cos I'm really not ready yet, so leave me alone yea. I just wanna play!.. And work and work and work..

Hais... Don't know la!.. Why can't I be with the one I liked once?.. I'll be more happy like this. I don't want a friendster-relationship!!..rrrr...

Frankly speaking, what I want exactly?.. Just let nature takes its place bahs.. X\

Btw, exams finally over!!!.. Woot!!.. But I know I may have to take round two supp papers, so no difference made to me anyway XP hohoho.

Alright, I going to rest le. Byebye people!..

Cheers, Manda

Friday, February 23, 2007

I should not have exist

I'm such a lazy gal , yet I'm not good in studies, am I proving my own inability or unwillingness?.. Why am I not working hard now?... Why why why??!!!... Haiya.. I don't wanna blog anymore people X( I've no mood at all...

My dreams are so far away from me.... I hate myself alot alot alot and alot...


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Before Exam..

Tomorrow is the start of end-of-yr exam!.. Though I'm bit worried, but just do it man!.. Hais, recently, met lots of new fellows from friendsters, wondering whether it's good or bad. Either way, it won't affect me much cos they're all friends to me. And to certain guys, I really can't stand their childishness...Perhaps it's not nice of me to backstab them like this, but it's really disgusting lo!.. When I really have to follow their footsteps...duh.. Think I should voice it out when it exceeds my limit X(

Hais, it's a week I haven't get to see my Taizi le.. But nvm, I still look forward to see him soon...hopefully tomorrow??.. Haisyo, and that San Jiekept pressurizing himself with both studies and relationship, end up he made himself so miserable. Though it's no wrong liking a person and trying your best to woo and care for him or her, but it's really not worth if you really spoil your health and turn your mood down. I mean what if he or her don't accept you?.. Certain things do have their probability yea X( I mean it applies the same to me too!.. As how you see I drool for Taizi, but deep in me, I knew the answer long ago X( Hence, protect yourself rather than allowing the consequences to hurt you deeply. San Jie, there's no wrong wooing hard for a girl you like, but if your health can't follow the pace of your heart, then make sure you rest well before you start springing kks =) Your Jie Meis and friends will always give you our full support de! Gambatte kudasai!..

And as for me... Hais..dunno lah..I will watch my move as I go along after my exam. Life is like that, it'll really cost your time and tolerance before you can ever get to the right path!. Life's not hard if you're willing to wait =) Okay, I really need to continue my revision le, cheers people!..

Lots of love,
Da Tou X)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So sick

So tired.. So sick...So not completed...

Firstly, I haven really started my revision cos I'm just too sleepy after my med. Wth, why let me sick at this point of time. I hate exam!!.. I wanna study now, I wanna take a shower first and I wanna a full and long concentration till I can complete how much I can take today!.. I just don't care!.

I'm so lost sometime...How I hope someone significant would be there for me to support me, and care for me when I'm sick. Others are just so busy, I'm not alone though but hopefully after my exam, I can find someone really sweet =)

However... I won't forget TAIZI des ka!!... lol. Whatever la, I just want my health back, and it'll be more than enough. Alright, I'm getting hungry now.. going to hunt for food. XP

Byebye!.. I just sneezed once, who cursed me?.. hais. Happy CNY!...


Thursday, February 15, 2007

YessssA!.. It's over =)

Finally, the day I'm looking forward to, ended at last!!... No matter how intriguing the subject is, if harakee happens within the group, that's the end man. I don't know how should I phrase out my guilt towards Keith, anyway if YOU, Keith, happen to see this blog, sorry for everything. You are definitely a responsible and capable group leader and you deserve the credits today =) As for the rest, I've nothing to say. Wonder if ya guys really meant it. Whatever, I shall not elaborate further.

As what I feel, time explains everything. If you are curious bout it, try it.

Tml is HPI test, and I've yet studied. Wth. I really start to doubt my end-of-year examination. Hopefully it goes well or I really have nothing to say X|

Alright, okay, Manda Mand all the way. Yesssa!.. I'm going to take a cool bathe after roasted for hours under the blazing sun this afternoon. And then I shall really concentrate on my revision. Go go go!!... X)

Sign off,
Sore Throater

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


What the hell lo. Hais, I just wanna be left alone and evaluate what had happened these two months. I disgree that it turned out to be smooth! Problems, conflicts, glares, what else can be worse off than this man. I just want PEACE!!.. Oh god, for our case (that include Mich and Bella), we're totally foreign to the project, certain things happened, and hence we're blamed just for nothing. Yesterday certainly was not Mich's day. Really. I can understand how she felt. Haisya, I'm not being stubborn or whatsoever, I just dislike him.

As for what had happened, I'm sort of reluctant to say cos it may turned out to be a complaint to you guys, as a GENEROUS lady, I shall assume that matter had rested. Here, I would give my sincere apology to my poor msn friends whom I dao-ed yesterday night. Sorry, really not in the mood last night. I'm an emotional person, hence many small things can matter to me a lot. To some others, it's just a peanut to them cos they're just being so CHILDISH. One thing I learnt from this is, point out mistakes when you need too. No point keeping them to yourself and stab others back when time is to come. Seriously no point.

Alright, I shall end here for goodness sake. Study. And survey later. Dyeing my hair today, gosh, damn excited!!.. And not to forget, I gonna meet my fellow Tom Berry people tonight!!.. They are simply so sweet and real, hope this friendship last and even after we graduate =) Okay, that's all...byebye!!...

Sign off,
Manda the undeterred X)

P.S. I saw Taizi again in ITAS concourse two days ago!!!... Omg!!... I simply love the way he is XP lol. Okay, stop here X)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Happy studying!

Oh god, I wonder if I'm becoming one of the LES's favourite hot babe X( Just found out quite a nice looking and sexy lady whom want to make friends with me in friendster. I mean it's pretty normal but her message sounded so wrong -_-lll If she can clarify herself well one day hopefully in our msn conversation or I would somehow be reluctant to make friends with her!...

Whatever, main point here is that I saw Taizi todae again!.. On the 6th Feb '07 at bout 7pm plus outside the school library. He was wearing all blue, a singlet and long pants. I just like the way he dress and charming XP Iyo..when have I been so flirtatious!... This is so so so wrong!.. lol

Recently, found out something super wrong bout my feel and thoughts!.. And god!..Pls stop playing pranks on me!.. Having to have a crush on Taizi is enough!.. No others shall intrude my mind at this point of time!.. Valentine is coming, I know I'm alone. But that doesn't mean I need a guy man!... I can be on my own!.. X) Btw, I'll be having a big feast with my classmates, all single, so wouldn't be that bad yea =) We're just too busy...even to date X( Really, not trying to be dao or whatever, but it's so hard to find time!.. Like I've not blog since last year?.. I dunno... perhaps XP Even if I've the time, I would rather take a short nap to restore my energy for revision after that.

Finally, I got the drive to study. But that started since two weeks ago, so not that bad yea =) I'm happy with what I'm doing now. Though I hadn't really get that far X( But just do it man!.. At least I won't regret if my results turn out to be a piece of shit, which I pray that won't happen X( Definitely, I need to put in my last effort!.. =) And talking bout school, I recalled Lotus. A place where I don't feel home anymore. A place where I lost so many 'kins' and now someone whom I'd respected so much...somehow changed my attitude towards this noble man. I felt sorry for not been able to help him out when he really need staffs, but I felt so disappointed with him just because he simply has a wrong perspective X( Whatever happens, I still want to thank you Mr Sam!.. You will always be like a father to me, someone I certainly want to have as a mentor =)

Oh yah, walked home from white sand at bout 9pm plus. Was trying to burn some fats after my 'dinner' A curry puff and a cup of mocha ice blend, are they counted?.. Was crossing the road and nearly got banged by a van. It's obviously not my fault cos I believe I'm not that blind to even spot the green man blinking right in front of me!... In conclusion, it's the driver's fault lah!.. But somehow I looked really stupid to keep looking at his or her car plate no., cos it doesn't help me much either. On-lookers may just think it's my fault for not looking out for approaching cars and I may be recognized as a uncivilized gal. I'm a gal! Come on! And iya!!... what have I done!.. X( I wonder what will happen if I got involved in that car incident and cost my life.. I'm still recalling bout the Taiwanese actress Xu Wei Lun. Dieing at such a young age, she's pretty and quite talented and a nice lady too, that's why I felt so wasted for her. Everyone feels it too X( If... I mean if.. One day I ever met into such case, pls pls don't cry... I wont rest in peace man. But I know I will feel so lost when I find out my soul roaming around!... hais so miserable X( Now I talk bout this, will it really cost my life the next moment?.. Life is just so unpredictable X(

Come on Manda!.. Buck up and prepare for your tests tml, the dae after tml and the dae after tml's tml!.. Lol. Simply trying to crap here. Okay, guys, take good care of your health and always be optimistic no matter how hard and miserable life is!.. You are alive now man, hence live it to the fullest!.. And not forgetting to love and treasure your loved ones around you =)

Love you all ppl!

Sign off,
Manda aka Da tou