Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Home sweet Home

On my way back home now, rushing back for the sake of high tea with mom! My full time favorite Taiwan uncle-auntie drama <真情满天下>, and my mom's a great TV companion, we can talk any craps under the moon. I teach her vulgar, she complains to me that she gotta cook.. tired... bla bla lol. Tsk. Why my life becoming like that... Worst still.. I'm enjoying it. HAHAHA. I'm kinda motivated to blog with pictures today & shall wait till I get home. Hmmmmm what else.. I'm freaking delighted to see the grey sky now, at least no sun to cook me -.- But amazingly I don't feel tanned afterall. lol. BUT! If the weather continues like this, based on my mom's prediction, till september, we Singaporeans shall turn into Africans soon. Then it'll be time to change passport, IC photo & all. HAHAHA. I need not go amusement park to get amused, I'm already crazy & amusing myself by then. okay what the hell I'm
talking about.


sign off! <3