Monday, May 30, 2011

Voice back a little

Was trying to sing a bit while showering this morning, my voice is back!.....a little. Can use fake voice finally. Trans voice had been torturing.. Can't sing, can't scream, and can barely talk which I can't even hear myself due to the sickening low voice. OHX. Pek cek.

It's Monday morning! And I'm late for work :D hahahaha sounds proud har...

Time to update batam trip when I'm back from work! (:

And if arranging in a DO RE ME sequence, the increasing no of photos taken by each individual of us would be me, Lihao, Norin.... & the 5th person. Muahahahhahahahah! *lame* And talking bout poloroid, think is Ruimin then Norin ba (is that so?), cos Hao & I didn't bring...

Am arranging another trip with my frens... Like those staying out ones, and I suggest them to opt out batam! Enough of it... Too overwhelming le lol!

Let me see any more craps to mention here.... Hmmmm... None. Okay BYE BYE!! (:

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Friday, May 27, 2011

In process of recovery

Will update batam trip soon! Though I have big urge to refer you guys to Norin's & Hao's blog lol!!! To be fairly responsible, I will.... BLOG la no wry! (:

Still in progress of recovery from flu & cough. Voice like a piece of Trans now -.- hahahaha!

Shall look forward to Sunday, my long time no see Gala & Kok. And shall discuss how to dispose our outdated apparels -.-


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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vegan burg

Baobei reminded me bout Vegan Burg today and hence we had delivery!!!! (:

But it wasn't as nice as I had it for lunch with Briony the first time there. It's basically full of starch. I would rather have mac or kfc delivery then -.-

Gosh it's work tml!!!! -.- hmmmpppf.... Tired...

Just feel like slacking everyday if not for $$. Horight, shall blog again since BlogPress is awesome!!!! :D

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Bruise after WWF

Yesterday cat fight with Baobei cos he pissed me off and I accidentally knocked my kneecap onto the wall when I tried killing him. *No wry he dare not touch me lol.

Day 1:

Day 2:

I will revenge Loo Wee Leong! Tsk.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Credit to Baobei (:

A big credit to Baobei for the bag. (: Hmmm felt guilty as if I'm freaking materialistic gf but somehow I think it shows a bf's 疼爱 towards his gf and for that, I accept it.

I tot today's weather would ruin my dating cos I hate BLAZING HOT SUN. But it turned out well after preparing lunch for ourselves, hence doesn't mean dating = shopping. It could be gossips, card games, slack shit & bla bla that don't concern too much with money issue...

But it does... in 3 years time which I believe it nears me a lot. About settling down with baobei, which surprisingly mentioned by my second bro? Lol.

I wish to see my 2 bros settle down before me. I still enjoy single-attached life thou.

Okay, will blog from most recent post as my memory is pte ltd.

Take care peeps!

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Random Tuesday

It's the third appointment @ Maple Clinic, baobei accompanied me as usual (: The queue is rather short today, could see that Dr. Ang si bei not popular lol. But since I started my appointment with her and she fill the bills of my conditions, I shall not give up on her! (:

Then bus to Tampines interchange & shop the 3 malls thoroughly cos it was only 1030am by then -.- Hence chill awhile @ Century's Popeyes. And I see this cool promo which I would love to share! (:

1. Purchase any items from Popeyes, be it just a drink or snacks.

2. The staff would issue you a receipt & guide you through the process that includes the website for survey.

3. Upon completion of the survey, it will prompt you the validation code that is to be written down on the receipt in order to redem one piece chicken & biscuit.

4. And TEN TEN! You gottcha free meal @ Popeyes with the purchase of even the cheapest item there! (:

Despite my sick voice, I still have big big cravings for KOI's black tea mocchiato! And I managed to FORCE baobei to let me have that. YES! But! I exchanged the grant with 2 tablet of drowsy flu tablets tonight -.- wtf. Hais. Hate tablets.

Shopped around Metro & found this! : Rosti. It's raw shredded potato to be pan-fried or baked.

1. Rape the Rosti & drain them into the pan LOL.

2. Disperse the potato, spread & press them to get it fixed to the pan. Toss front & back every 5 mins with medium fire.

3. And you get your imaginary "Baked potato pizza" from Marche. Muahahahaha. Hou seh ar. It's $5 per pack. A portion for two? (:

Baobei bought this pork knuckle from Tamp one cold storage @ $17. Hmmmm ex but at least cheaper than small ulu restaurant (:

This is Grabz-Banana flavor. Intro by blogger QiuQiu. But I haven't try that, think it's awesome thou (:

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hi testing!

Just downloaded BlogPress & finally realize jailbreak is awesome cos the app is free. But other than that, it's still slowing down my EVERYTHING. Uhhh... Thing got it's good & bad, well well bare with it. I worry so much I'll crap again here cos I don't know what to blog lol. Hmmmm let me try uploading pictures here :D

Okay that's cousin Yuxuan! GAN cute! And my bro is right la, which baby is the world not adorable?!

And I'm off to work now.... Muahahhahahaah. Sleepy -.-


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Location:Bus 58

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Act cute session! (:

I must treasure my short 2 months break & play hard! (:
Update soon!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Home sweet Home

On my way back home now, rushing back for the sake of high tea with mom! My full time favorite Taiwan uncle-auntie drama <真情满天下>, and my mom's a great TV companion, we can talk any craps under the moon. I teach her vulgar, she complains to me that she gotta cook.. tired... bla bla lol. Tsk. Why my life becoming like that... Worst still.. I'm enjoying it. HAHAHA. I'm kinda motivated to blog with pictures today & shall wait till I get home. Hmmmmm what else.. I'm freaking delighted to see the grey sky now, at least no sun to cook me -.- But amazingly I don't feel tanned afterall. lol. BUT! If the weather continues like this, based on my mom's prediction, till september, we Singaporeans shall turn into Africans soon. Then it'll be time to change passport, IC photo & all. HAHAHA. I need not go amusement park to get amused, I'm already crazy & amusing myself by then. okay what the hell I'm
talking about.


sign off! <3
As per promised to.... no one actually... there comes my photo update!
Hurray! :D

Alright... Some si bei blur blur camwhore of me me me..
In fact, there's only one of them alamak! -.-

And I think I "chao gen" le, but since my bra's color did camouflage in, well don't need hide le la. lol.

Maybe Baobei don't like taking photo with me... tmd. What a stone face. X.X


And some day ago, we went kite-flying~~~ Is that the term? whatever la lol.
Though it's said first-time, Baobei master that quite well.
Buay pai huh... (:


And this sweet boy brought me to makan after my lesson @ The Oasis...

Basically, they serve porridge with some very traditional kind of side dishes.
I think it's kinda so-so.
Perhaps I have a good chio chef @ home, hence a bit picky. LOL.
But try it, the ambience I rate it as 4/5? (:


And I remember the next day after kite-flying, we went Saizeriya @ Liang Court.

They serve very nice & cheap Italian & Western cuisines, and most importantly, there's free flow drinks & ice cream!
Concept a bit like Just Acia.

Hokay, I think I sucks @ posting now LOL.
Very monotonous bleahx. -.-

Am looking forward to tml!
Cos it's dating time! (:
A relax one after exam... like finally...
And I think I deserve it!
I'd start dating friends & cousins out,
hence my mission in progress! :D

Take care peeps.
The weather GAN hot.
Hence, drink more water, some herbal tea, and eat well! (:


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ORD lo!

Finally exam comes to a pretty ending, with LJS as rewards to Kelvin & I. Ck made a big stunt today by not attending. Shock of our life. Anyway, I'm feeling fugging hot now & mood declined to it's very minimum. Whoever meeting me now would be suay, and there it goes to Mr Shit. Hokay, bye bye ppl! To peeps whom I promised to hang out with, let me sort out my schedule & wait for my call!!!! wuhooooooo! :D

Meanwhile, to my Jie Meis, take good care of ur health! loves!
Not forgetting Ow Huiyi, tc & don't fall sick again!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

It's April - May 2011.
It's the most awesome month ever.
With so many events going on, like...
Election & rallies
Prince Will & Kate Royal Wedding
Mich & Shaun's separation
Osama is dead

Well, nothing could have beaten the juice of all these.
And... Hi, I'm mugging @ home for like freaking one month time.
It's crazy, it's torturing.

Anyway, have you been very "obsessed" with news & happenings of the rallies and elections?
I believe the majority are.
And the fact that this year I felt inclined towards the election was because I'm 21 and something that I realized as well, this year's election met the 1988 to 1989 baby boomers!
That's why that's why~

Kinda admire Nicole Seah from NSP, but pretty sad that her "troupe" is not participating in Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC.
Well well...
7th May...
We shall see.

Hokay, done mumbling and take care peeps! (: