Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hello Peeps!.
Guess where I am now...
I'm right now here @ *toot toot*!!!...
Alright, seriously don't feel like "labouring", hence kinda slacken off.
Recently, been enlightened somehow somewhat.
In regards to friendships, relationships, and whatever you can think of that would definitely have to do with emotions & feelings.
Well, it's few months passed, and how am I going to deal with the scar again?
Basically there is nth much I could do now.
Not saying that I'm trying to be persistent with my point of view,
but you know, it's rather bizarre to get back and start anew.
But once again, life's short, no point reviewing this issue again & affecting everyone.
If it's my problem, I'll make sure I make it mine and not ours.
It's hard not to grumble at times, but I'm glad I'm not doing so much now.
Cos ultimately, things fade & I would assume it's somehow solved in a way or the other.
However, I couldn't agree more that I'd gained a lot from my short holiday.
Neither too short nor long, but I'm sure to get more sleeps once 31st Dec ends.
I'm loving more random meet ups, and family gatherings.
Cos it does make a difference out of my life.
It's hard to change my mindset, but it isn't too hard to change my habit.
I'm like a chameleon?
Life's not about rewarding, but way beyond that.
I believe, for now I can promise you. (:
Whatever past has passed, and I know some may hate me for bringing those issues out again.
Hence, I shall stop where I am, as I'm really cooled & settled down.
Back to my new comfort zone.
No more tears, no more hatred.
to whom I care

Friday, December 25, 2009

Taking chance to wish all of you GOOD HEALTH & HAVE GREAT FUN this festive season!.

With many loves & blessings,

Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm back! :D
I brought 3 big pimples back :(
Sadness sia.
Now turning into ugly scars.
Shitty ass.

But overall, I enjoyed my trip in Penang!.
I'd longed to go there le wor.
Cos their food damn cheap & nice. ^^

Don't know why, I actually missed 4 peeps when I was there.
Mum, Stupid Shit, Gala & GUGU!
Just feel like sharing more with them.

Alright, time to turn in.
Tc peeps!
Will have a busy week again. ^^


Monday, December 14, 2009

Sneezing away.
Please don't get sick Manda...

I've really got lots to do this week.
So I must must stay focus!

Anyway, just wanna speak out how I feel after the wedding I attended last weekend...
Simply feel like getting married!
But it's a matter of time though.
And I dare not dream that Dear will ever proposed to me...
I was imagining walking briskly into the ballroom with my loved one & enjoying the blessings from my sweeties...
It's kinda hard to explain the little excitement you'll feel at the moment of time,
but it feels just so right & sweet & loved.
Cos I know the one I'm walking in with, is one whom I'll truly love & take care of for life. (:

AND! I won't forget what KOK & KW promised me!
One to be my chauffeur & the other to be my doorman.

But only if...
I'm married~

Whatever it is, I just feel right with my Loved, Loo Wee Leong.
With you, I know how to lead my life better off. (:

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This week is fun (:
Had lotsa catch up.
Feeling xin fu. (:

And chit chat a lot with GUGU on Sat after work.
Had HK Cafe too!.
But bit sick of it le...

And lastly, went for my cousin's wedding dinner last night.
The bride & bridegroom looked great.
And one amazing thing is that 2 of my cousins were holding their wedding dinners at the same day & venue at a sweet coincidence!. ^.^
Hence in the middle of the wedding, we went up the floor to peep the other couple.

Really envy them.
Hope I can have mine too someday~
But hard to say, who knows whether HE will marry me not. =.=

Hokay, just feel like resting more cos I'm really feeling sick. :(
Sore throat & flu.
Damn shitty.


Many loves to Gala, Mich, Carmen, Frenly, Mark & KW.
For all I know, it's real & worth it. (:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wasn't in a good mood though.
But shouldn't spread too much of it to anyone as it's unnecessary.
Met my gals yesterday, like finally.
And I bought my Hair Dye & Eye Shadow.
Both gals chose Milk Tea Brown for me.
Dare not try yet.
Perhaps during the weekends then.
If it's good, I'll be back making a HUHA over here. ^.^

Like I said, 1 or 2 is enough. (:
Thanks gals!.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Ninja Assassin is damn nice!
And I finally agree with GUGU that Rain's body is freaking damn hot.
So Stupid Shit... *Wink Wink*
I like that body.
Willing to train that for me? (:

Heh Heh Heh.

As usual, life is stagnant.
But I never allow my laughter to come to a halt.
I want to learn to let go, more. (:
I want myself to accept the facts.
I want myself to face it too.
If I can, I succeed then. ^^

I'm looking forward to tml!.
Meeting my gals.
Like finally...

Hokay, Nites everyone!.(:

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Finally everything is over...
It's a "cat fight" since last week, and it ended yest.
Alright, it's bit of sinful when I know I affected your work performance.
Hence, let's try to avoid that pls.

Was looking at Justina's wedding photo...
Oh man... Damn sweet can...
It's really like a fairy tale.
When's my turn? =.=
I know GUGU is yearning for that too.
*Wink wink*

Seriously nth interesting to talk bout.
Let's just look forward to meeting my gals on this coming Wed,
my Poly mates on Fri,
& lastly my cousin's wedding on Sat!.

I need an eye shadow.
What is good for small eyes?

Am starting to preparing my 1st batch of Xmas gift.
Gosh, nearly gave up.
Hate cutting the cardboard.
I feel muscles on both arms. =.=

Anyway, how happy is happy?
How sad is sad?
It's nth sad to be sad, cos life still goes on.
I'll brace up & get on with life happily, no one is suppose to make me sad again. (:

I'm missing my Dearie Mich & Gala. (:
Wednesday, please come faster!.

It's even hard to face my own bf, when someone I hate is in that picture.
Damn it.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

It's a PASS! :D
Thanks goodness I don't have to waste my bro's $$...
It's not the exam that made me stress, it's the cost that matters more.
Hope the rest are better than me. (:

Was not a very good day today.
Rushed to work to complete some work in the morning, and accidentally cut my hands.
Not only that, I fell down & pi tou ka.
Damn ma lu...
As there was a bunch of students right in front of me.
A guy initiated to help,
and I'm glad bout it,
at least they're not "watching MY show"...
I knocked onto the hand dryer yesterday, now it grows into a bruise.
Felt badly injured.

In fact, lots more stuffs happened for the day.
But I'll keep neutral bout it.
I just want everyone to be happy working together. (:
At least till my GUGU leave.
Hais, gonna miss her soon...

I know he's pissed.
But I'm equally unhappy too.
The main reason was because I met some friends when am on the way to work,
and that I didn't have the chance to take my phone out to msg.
Another thing is when I finally reached my workplace,
I'm already instructed earlier on to rush some paper work.
Time is seriously tight for me today!. :(
And now my knees gonna get some bruise too.
There are several cuts as well.
Go on throwing your tantrum, as I won't bother at all.
No one even shows concern to me throughout my busy day.
Until KW msg, & brightened up my mood.
As a bf, you think you really do enough?
Whenever I have some emotions or unhappy events that happened, where the fuck are you?
Right now, I'm freaking injured from head to toe, so where's the minimum concern that you should show?
No worry, go on with your way.
As long you feel happy.
Cos right now I don't give a fucking damn shit.
If you say I'm in a bad mood, yes I'm more than that.
Don't try to piss me off.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

When it's someone u really adore hurts you,
it's seriously hard to forgive & let it go.

It's not that I'm too stubborn,
but there's no point feigning ignorance,
when you realized that the problem will definitely occur again.

I said I don't bother at all,
but it's not true.
Cos the person whom you always trust will most likely to leave a huge impact on yourself.

I'm sentimental,
I can get hurt very easily.

Whenever I try to let go & coax myself to give in,
I hesitate again.
As I can never forget what they did & said to me that very day.

I'm out of the circle,
out of the situation,
and outsiders may think I'm the one having the problem.
I asked myself repeatedly why should I react in this way.
I thought it was really my fault.
And when I really try to get neutral bout it,
I found out it's not entirely my fault.

I hate to say I loathe a kin of my dearest.
Whenever I hear his voice,
it just fumed me.
Can't stop it.

And most imptly when I analysed that he shouldn't be too much of a problem,
and yet it lies on my dearest friend,
then what does it shows?

They always said they understand,
but they never...
And it hurts...
For many months since the very day.

I teared, once again.