Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just came back from Bugis.
Omg... I filled my stomach with satisfaction.
With less than 30 bucks, I had it all. (:

We shopped and makan then shopped and makan.
That's life.
But the most entertaining part is GOSSIPING.
Not us whom gossips, but people whom gossip.
And many other things la.
These topics would never stop.

Oh man, 10 more days KOK gonna have his LONG hair cut.

Then shit la, no company for Pula Ubin trip liao.
Only left Huiyi & I. ):

Monday comes... and there will be nth to do again.
It's job hunting.
Struggling vehemently.
So bad, so sad, cos seriously nth to do at home.
I'm treating it calmly now, be it there is or there isn't,
I'll just wait till my letter comes.
I wanna study.
That deepens the desire to hop back to Secondary and Poly life.

Everyday is new, but yet nude to me.
There's nth, only the earth stays unchanged.

No pictures these days as I'm lacking a better camera for good photos.

Am waiting for Stupid Shit's call...
Being used to that and I believe it will end soon once his work starts.
But I won't be upset bout it, cos I should get use to it.
I'm really doted by him I admit...
And yes, it's xin fu de.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Everything is loading so damn slow!!!!.
And I'm so looking forward to finish up the episodes for Lao Po Da Ren II!.
Vincent Lim!.
Don't copy me la!.

The weather is so damn hot these days.
So bad.
I'm so into Hong Kong dramas now!.

Alright, some updates.
I met up my Jie Meis yesterday and went to Marina Barage at night after dinner.
And there was a NDP shooting over there.
Said to shoot the golden scene of the sunrise.
Cool shit.

Reached home damn early...
Like bout 6am plus.
Then slept till 10am and prepared for haircut this morning with Huiyi.
We are both satisfied with our hairs now.
She has a straight-rebonded hair, I have a soft-fringed hair now.
The cost is damn cheap, damn worth it, damn happy.
Kai xin jiu hao!!.

Tomorrow is the 3 of us again.
Shopping at the new shopping mall at Bugis.
Let's see who spend the most tml then...
I think I should pass my ATM card to Stupid Shit soon.

Stupid Shit am now out with his friends, while Si Bao Li am watching dramas now :D

*You make my life possible when they are impossible.

Friday, May 29, 2009

A lesson I learned:
What others think of you is not important at all,
what matters most is what you think of yourself.

Whatever I do, I say, I'm cautious of them.
Cos I respect.
But nvm, not all do the similar way as mine.

Alright, things to update!.
I met up my sec school buddies yesterday at Central! :D
Have Wenna, Deirdre, Meiting, Yunpei & Gena.
I truly love them. (:
And 22nd June we'll be meeting again!.
It's Meiting's "BDAE".

And next will be meeting my gals & boys as usual. (:
One may not be there...
Feels upset, but ya what to do.
Hope one day one will be back soon. (:
Many misses.

Tomorrow will be joining Huiyi for hair treatment.
HAPPY!. (:

Then Sunday will be Outing with Huiyi, Kok & Manda at Bugis.

Hao de, BYE BYE!

*Surprised that you know what I'm thinking all along.
Thanks lots dear (:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feeling very drowsy today, but prob is that I didn't take any medication at all!. =.=
Qi guai...
Have a bad feeling this evening.
Like I feel pain at the stretch between my head and jaw.
Could it be paralysis?.
Please don't, I haven't had enough milk tea & time with my loved ones.

I pray for everyone but forgot bout myself.
I'm praying to have good health then.
Or WS?
Need ta go down to Popular to buy some stuffs.
I love you too, I wanna you to hold my hand for rest of your whole life.
Pictures up (:
Happy :D
But some are in Facebook :X

It's a meaningful day to me.
As I would always remember the days we crap and loiter in school.
The days when I'm down and yet there would be very good friends to be there to guide and cheer me up.

Many thanks to:
Ke Wee
Yu Min
Wei Hong
Li Fang
Peck Gee
Jun Jie

Big big combo thanks to:
Kok Tong

Names are randomly listed, and memories are back then with me. (:
Thanks to all.
Manda able to get graduated here would all be your credits!.

Alright, I hereby congratulate my dearest schoolmates and cliques for successfully graduated from TP Biotechnology 2009.
Loves to all.
Thanks to all.

Monday, May 25, 2009

You said I don't understand you at all,
then how much you understand me?
Yes I admit I'm stubborn, but I can be flexible too.

*You never think bout it at all.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Officially graduated le!!! :D
Kai xin!! (:

Will update again when I'm free!. (:

Today is Jie Meis Day!.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Here comes the UPDATES!!!.

Celebrated belated Mother's Day at Grains, located at Central Mall.
I think it's rather worth it, so yup try it (:
See~ My dad seems to be happier than my mum.

And of cos it's gathering with my Jie Meis & I took this random picture with San Jie.
It's seriously a random one, cos we seldom take photo together.
Whew~ I'm glad he's beside me, cos we both have big heads (:
And yeap, Friday is definitely for my Jie Meis!!!. :D
And Melvin, please join in when you're free (:

And!!! It'd been years that we meet up again!.
My secondary school buddies, Deirdre, Yunpei & Wenna!.
Meiting Lao Po overslept and didn't join us in the end.
I love them, to the max (:
Next meet up, is today am I right?!

This is the lunch I'd with Hao after work at a Starhub Roadshow.
It's a student meal at Breek's cafe, it's worth it definitely!. (:

Recently, we had badminton kick.
And one will be held soon next Monday at Pasir Ris CC.

HAHA. Camwhored last week.
Too free le la. :(
Am still waiting for my SIM approval letter.
If it's rejected, I'll have to get a job soon. =.=
But yup... No study mood right now... just sleep & slack & meet up with my friends.
Maybe life's that that...

Attending Graduation Ceremony later on at 1pm.
Why is there no feeling at all. =.=

If possible, more to update tonight!. (:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Been meeting out my Jie Meis & friends & Stupid Shit recently and seriously nth special to blog T.T
Except for the late pictures which are yet updated over here.
This is thereby called [[ empty promises ]].

Anyway, not important.
Just glad to say that everyone around me is happy & healthy, that's all I can ask for (:

Will be working Starhub this week.
Won't be that busy la, but ya just purely slack + work I guess.

An interview with recruit express again, to be conducted this coming Friday.
I doubt I'm qualified.
But ya, just go there for the last try.

I'm gonna prepare some special stuffs for my special one.
I'm excited bout it, yet doubting myself bout it.
Nvm, I'll try.

Just to say, HAPPY 6th month Anniversary dear. (:
Though it's only that that, it means a lot to me.
And time flies, and I'm waiting for that meaningful day... (:

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I'm meeting my gals for gym tml!. (:
Hao & Rin gg swim,
Min & Manda gg gym.
But no worry, we'll still be in the same venue!. (:

Finally I see Stupid Shit today, happy. (:
Sounds like I haven't see him for ages... crazy.
I'm like a child, be it happy or sad or angry, it can be written down on my face.
Hard core childish. =.=

Alright not impt at all.
Smile (:

*Feeling a bit jealous, but I can handle it (:
I'm confident! :D

Monday, May 04, 2009

Oh great...
Sprained my foot.
Hmm... Okay, and nearly fell down a few times when I got home.

Think I'm getting depression soon.
Oh man.
This is nuts.
Alright, chill Manda.

P.S. If you are reluctant to let me drive, then PLEASE, break that license.
I see no need to carry it.

I'm not feeling that good.
Hence I'm going out for a run soon.
A runaway?
Yea, perhaps.

I have a very lousy temper.
I'm going to reflect on that from today onwards.
Meanwhile don't irritate me, cos I'll still bite.
Ya, I'm going to run.

Please wait for my patience to arrive,
cos seriously no mood to update photos.

Hate myself recently.
More than any other else.
No wonder, "World's greatest enemy is myself".

Okay, byebye.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Big bro's not at home.
This is kinda empty cos there's no one I can bully right now.
Waiting to fetch my mum ltr and meeting my gals at night.

Anyway, met up with Stupid Shit's army friends that include Pei Qing, Shui Rong, Kenny, Yin Xin, Shao Feng, Jia Le and Zhi Sheng at Chomp Chomp.
And something that annoyed me on the way there.
Makes me hate the blacks more.

Then later on with my Secondary School buddies, Deirdre, Yun Pei and Wenna.
And yea as usual we talked a lot and updated ourselves.
Anyway, decision that ya gals made doesn't matter at all, just as long ya are happy yea. (:
And I love ya gals too! :D

Alright, I'll really update soon.
Promise promise.
This is like so many empty promises made.

Hokay, CYA!. (:

Right now, I'm going to be happy.