Sunday, January 04, 2009

These days will be rather busy.
So may not be able to update that frequent. -.-
Have to jia you for my report le!.

Work, work, work, it's all bout work.
And full of laughters with my Jie Meis this week. (:
Thanks Da jie & Qi Meis for helping me out with my work the day before!.
And Da Jie, I LOVE YOU; WE LOVE YOU too. (:

Yesterday was our 2nd and last campus discussion.
It was rather short.
Nth much, and thanks to Dr Chang that I have some feel how to start up my report.
Hence, I gonna start today!
PLEASE YES, today.

Alright, nth much today.
Just bout work.
This is pure plain shit.

Take care peeps!. (:

Stupid shit, take good care hor.

*4 more days

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