Saturday, January 31, 2009

Busy days!
And worse of all, I don't feel well :(
Damn tired.
Managed to finish my MP reports and workbook. (:
Happy but a bit worried -.-
Hope can pass lo...

Btw, updates updates!
From last Thursday to this Monday (:




Many thanks to many peeps this year.
For all your encouragement and supports.
To be able to live so blissfully in a crowd of angels,
I feel contented.

I'm so looking forward to the days after 9th of Feb!
And 12th of Feb as well!
It means unemployment for me, stupid shit and rest of my friends.
And it also mean that less leisure cos no MONEY liao la! -.-
Time to find a job, time to plan for future.
I need to settle down now. (:

I miss my Jie Meis damn much la!
Our K session was called off today.
Sadded though.
Plus I'm not feeling well.
So ya.

Will be meeting Stupid shit tml.
Please pray pray that I'll get well soon tml.

*I gonna treasure you, this love.
For life.
No matter what happens in near future,
I'll remember my promise.
You too (:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

YOYO Peeps!

I've got so much to update for CNY.
And need not mention, I haven't finish my reports yet T.T
Iyoyoyo... Please let me buck up!
After everything, you can go ahead have fun le (:
And same applies to all my friends!.

Take lotsa care peeps!. (:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year peeps!
Wish ya guys to have good health & good fortune!!!! =D
Alright, I think I going to sleep back soon.
ENJOY peeps!~

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Norin
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Happy Bithday to Da Jie!
Best wishes and I love you!!! (:
Be it your love your carrer your health, everything good good good!! =D
And today is a busy day!
Went to loyang point, in and out.
Forget this, forget that...
Wau seh, I'm super blur shit.
But I'm happy busying (:
Mama says she'll reward me with big Ang Bao if I work hard tml with her.
I'm like a kid man, get attracted by such "incentives".
But I make sure I'll help her out, for sack that I was out so late recently.
BAD me la.
Sometimes I feel so irresponsible.
I'd simply played too much!.
Oh man, I'm doted by my family.
Truely much.
Just came back from jogging with Stupid shit.
Didn't manage to run 2.4km!!!! :(
Damn it.
Wasn't feeling well... so yah... SADDED.
And will be going out for dinner soon!!
Welcome my frens back from Thailand for attachment!.
Esp to Friendly & KOK.
Miss ya guys! (:
Alright, BYE BYE! (:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just got my M1 line terminated.
Would be "missing" for quite some while until I get a new line soon -.-
Hence, please ignore my previous number 9430XXXX.
Thanks! (:

Feel so damn lost and lonely without a phone.
I can't contact anyone.
I can't msg anyone even when they're urgent cases. -.-
Sad shit.

Damn tired today.
Pack both lab & office.
Sometime, I think this is freaking insane.
To let 2 ladies to pack all those heavy stuffs. -.-
Even there's bonus for this,
I won't want too.
Hate peeps saying "This is for your own good, we don't treat you as interns only, you guys are not our cheap labour..."
But hello?!.
Most of the tasks ya had assigned showed it all!.
Oh man.
What a joke.
And one unhappy incident happened yesterday...
Which I won't wanna elaborate more here.
Just wanna affirm to myself that:
I had done my best.
If you think I'm not up to your standard,
that's fine with it.
Anyway, this is the first time I ever grudge during work.
I never knew ya guys were so capable in drilling me,
making me upset and pissed off.
Nice one yea.

So many unhappiness during work.
I hope I won't get this kind of shit in near future.
Anyway, besides blaming these and that,
I'm hoping that I could change as well.
For the better.
In terms of better attitude and etc.

Full of Hais.
Full of deadlines.
Full of work.
Full of stress.
But what's happening is that, this FRIDAY gonna be our last day!!!! =D
So damn happy la (:
Can spend more time for my reports and last preparations.
And of cos, with my family & friends.
Oh man.... HOHOHOHO.

Alright, back to work. ^^

Btw, may be meeting Gala to go back home.
Yeapy!!!! =D

Love looking at you & laughing out loud.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Am sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...
Feel bad bout it.
In the first place, shouldn't have compared,
shouldn't have blend in others situation into mine.
Cos we are all different.
Cos it may not be that bad in the first place.
Why get together when there's no trust.
So far, you'd really treated fairly good.
Or more than that.
My temper, you tolerated.
My stunt, you tolerated.
My everything, you gave in.
That's more than enough for a lousy me to receive.

From today onwards, I predict there's lots more obstacles between us, between us all.
But I believe, I can, we can. (:

Friday, January 16, 2009

So damn damn damn tired can!
Omg, will die ar T.T

Today is a FRIDAY =D
It's a day when I can meet my love ones!
It's more than enough le la!!! (:
JIE MEIS & JIE MEIS & JIE MEIS & stupid shit & stupid shit & stupid shit! (:

Full of them in my life now.
Full of work as well -.-

Now still doing my report.
My aim for the week:
To finish up my MP report.
Do you think I can do it? (:

Btw, I managed to strike a nice goal by finishing up my Materials & Methods last night for both assays.
Hence, I'm having more KICK now! (:

Thanks stupid shit, for calling at night, without fail (:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Damn tired.
Till the max.
Right after work, rushed back home to do MP.
Hao lei ar...
Did till wee hours, when you can hear the sound of crickets...
Jit Jit Jit JitZzzz.... HAHAS.
It seems that weekdays pass damn slow.
Weekend damn fast. -.-
Like rocket like that.

But at night, I can crap with Stupid shit,
then thinking of Friday,
I can meet my girls out for auntie chit chat session. (:
That's my favorites man.
I hope we can all maintain like this.
Talk la, fight la, laugh la, shout la.....
shi xin fu de (:

As I'd promised, I must learn to be independent le.
LOVES* to all (:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu
Thank yOu! (:

To my Jie Meis, to my poly mates, to my stUpId shIt for everything.
I'm a super weak ass.
But with all the encouragements ya guys showered,
it's more than enough to make me brave again.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

If not that Mich had asked, I still haven't noticed that I'd been with my labtop for the entire day.
This is so amazing.
So far so good.
Not that bad, whether it's right or wrong,
at least I'd started so Manda, don't panick le! (:

Can de, can finish de.
I keep pushing myself with that.

Even cannot, die die still have to complete it.
Be it a lousy one, JUST DO IT!.

Hopefully I can do as much as possible next coming week,
and really rest during CNY.
Very tired~

Thanks to many peeps there,
motivating me to go on.
I will de, ya guys too!.
[[Jia you]]! (:

And Lao gong, I love you. (:

Emo-ness will stop from today onwards.
Only determination that stays in me!

Friday, January 09, 2009



I wanna rest today.
I'm tired le.
MP lit review starts tml. (:

To whom you think this small little post is for...
Sorry for being so ignorant at times.
I wanna be rational, but I can't.
I'm tired these days, stressed up these days,
fucked up these days, out of mind these days,
but there's no one there to keep me accompanied.
The fear is so strong that I'll jump out from sleep at night.
Don't know what I'm fearing for, but the feeling is so in depth.
Don't wanna say le.
I always make myself worry so much, and ended up to no avail.
So yah... MANDA MANDA ar...
[[Jia You]]...
[[Don't think so much]]...
[[Kai xin yi dian]]...
[[Smile smile]]...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Today is a MUST post.
Cos it's the 2nd month for us le.
He will be busy today, so may not be meeting up.
Anyway, not important...
It's not that every month that we gotta celebrate.
It's just a day to recall and treasure those sweet memories again. (:

Oh yah, the best thing is!
I gonna meet up my gals for "auntie chit-chat session" le!
Can I like propose an idea I'd just thought of?
Can we name it as "tai-tai high tea session" when we reach the age of 21?
Cos every organization has ta be upgraded de mah.
We'll upgrade soon yea yea?
And for the guys ar... Hmm...
Sama sama la, also TAI TAI.
I miss the boys too.
WHERE ya guys?!

These days been freaking stressed up...
due to work and reports.
Getting me crazy somehow.
Hence, as what Gala said,
Zhuang dao zi ran qiao.
Things will definitely fall in place.
So need not worry too much.
Just as long I made the effort.

Alright, gotta continue my work le.
[[JIA YOU]]!.

Again, Happy 2nd month Stupid shit.
Really really thanks for everything.
Thanks for tolerating my temper and craps,
and making me smile again. (:

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I am kinda lost nowsaday...
Though glad that attachment is ending soon,
but the fear still can't seem to fade.
Fear of my Major Project.
Left 4 more weeks to day of submission.
I'm wondering if I'm able to complete.
I may really need to burn night oil le :(
I wanna stop all my tai-tai life,
but I can't help missing my peeps out there.
I don't wanna miss our auntie chit chat session,
I don't wanna miss my date with Stupid shit.
For every little things,
I treasure so much till I'm out of control.
It's tiring when you're not happy,
and worse still, it's duplicated.
This kind of feeling sucks to the max.
Was out to deliver some stuffs in the afternoon,
and seeing peeps walking around,
Then I ask myself, are they happy?
Are they enjoying what they are doing now?
How bout me?
Am I?
What I want exactly then?
My future...
sort of come to a halt.
I simply can't see how far I can go...
I'm like floating around.
Just wanna rest, just wanna play bowling,
just wanna watch TV, just wanna sleep enough,
just wanna cook, just wanna go market with Mom,
just wanna meet out with my friends & Stupid shit.
And yea, just like that.
But it's all day-dreaming.
Manda gotta buck up.

-When it's time to be tough, be ONE -
Recalling back...
It's so damn funny...


Hokay, random shit.

Take care peeps! (:

Sunday, January 04, 2009

These days will be rather busy.
So may not be able to update that frequent. -.-
Have to jia you for my report le!.

Work, work, work, it's all bout work.
And full of laughters with my Jie Meis this week. (:
Thanks Da jie & Qi Meis for helping me out with my work the day before!.
And Da Jie, I LOVE YOU; WE LOVE YOU too. (:

Yesterday was our 2nd and last campus discussion.
It was rather short.
Nth much, and thanks to Dr Chang that I have some feel how to start up my report.
Hence, I gonna start today!
PLEASE YES, today.

Alright, nth much today.
Just bout work.
This is pure plain shit.

Take care peeps!. (:

Stupid shit, take good care hor.

*4 more days

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I just want my beauty sleep. -.-
I'm damn tired & stressed up.
But so what if you worry, it can't solve the problem too (:
SMILE la (:

Hack care le la.
Lousy week -.-

I LOVE MY JIE MEIS very very much,
and peeps, we gonna be 7 years of friends + JIE MEIS le! =D

I am missing Stupid shit too...
Having his guard duty tml.
I pray for tml to rain.
Rain heavy please (:
Hope it rains for the entire month.
I really love rain la (:

Campus discussion 2 todAY.
Oh man... I dun feel good bout it.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009 le peeps!
Happy 2009! (:

Celebrated the New year eve with my Loved ones. (:

My wish for everyone & family, as usual, HAPPY & HEALTHY.
My wish for my Jie Meis, all the best in study & relationship.
My wish for my poly & secondary school friends, to grad in 2009 with great results!
My wish for Stupid shit, to be CHEERFUL & HEALTHY!

And I forgot my resolution too!. =X
My 2009 resolution:
1. To get my diploma
2. Get into SIM, & a course I LOVE & ENJOY to the max
3. To get into Hospitality & Tourism job after grad

LOVE ya guys!
Take care! (:

Sometime we'll be alone.
But please tell yourself that you'll be fine.
Just don't get so stressed up Manda.
[[Jia you]]