Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I see others falling out of love.
I see others falling so deep in love.
In a brand new year this coming midnight, my wish for everyone to stay Healthy & Loving. (:
Who cares you're a single or not, LOVE has so much meaning in them. (:
I LOVE my family & friends & Jie Meis...
but this year,
I met him and I LOVE him too. (:

Sorry, cos...
I'm petty
I get jealous easily
I get angry w/o having a valid reason
I can't take jokes
I think too much
I'm not sweet enough
I expect too much from you
I believe too much in fairy tales

In a new year, I will be better (:
Who cares you care or not, now I realize it's good to not care & just go for it.

You never know what happens the next day,
so don't waste time getting sad for nth.
"Need not worry, as tml will worry for itself."
I'm so inspired by this quote,
cos I'm using this strategy now. (:

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!.
2009 le.
CHINESE NEW YEAR coming le...
So looking forward.
Random shit.
Enjoy this festive season!.

*I believe to love and be loved*

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