Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Now then I understand what it meant by "quality of time".
How are you going to treasure the limited amount of time given to you and your love ones.
And one thing to bare in mind, it's really short.
Even if you have that full 48 hours, time will accelerate till it finishes like 48 mins.
I just feel so.
Weekend was always great for me.
Fruitful enough to share but never enough for me to care.

Alright la, stop my random post.
And again, thanks Da jie for creating such a vibrant blog for me! [:
I love it =D

Some quotes to share:

If you love someone,
Tell them.

The worst thing you can possibly do
is worry about what you could have done.

You must speak to be heard,
but sometimes
You have to be silent to be appreciated.

What comes from the heart,
touches the heart.

The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are.
- Stephen R. Covey

Thanks for coming into my life,
I'm grateful enough.
You're different, I believe [:
I look forward to seeing our future,
we'll work hard for it! =D

Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy shit!
Met my gals and James yesterday.
Finally [:
I think I really "zhong se qing you".
Things that I do which I never even realize.
I won't again.
I'll try to balance out my time for everyone.
One thing that never changes is my LOVE for ya gals yea! [:

Didn't manage to meet Stupid shit yesterday though he's so near me.
In Coastal Sand...
But nvm, we'll still meet tonight [:
Can bully him le =D

Hao will be gg to Boon's house too.
So yeah! [:

And Saturday, we can all meet out to shop!!!
Oh man, so damn excited.

Hokay, stay happy, and maintain like this Manda Lim.
Smile [:

Curiox BBQ ltr in NUS!
I'm a happy kid today [:

Pictures coming up....


To my friends,
be happy too [:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Been rather busy this week.
I hope I'll forever maintain like this...

Been rather unhappy these days.
I don't know how to explain myself.
But yah...
I just don't feel good.

I hate to think.
But that's my nature,
I just don't know why.

Had I neglected anyone?
Or pissed anyone off?
I'm sorry if I did.
Had I not shown concern to friends around me?
That made me feel guilty throughout this week.
No one would ever understand how this feeling is like.
Cos you won't want to,
as it's suffocating.

Alright, time to work.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

There's many things I wanna do today.
Kks, hope I can accomplish them at once.
Will be a tough week for me starting from tomorrow.
There's many things which I wanna catch up.

I am so gg to...
1. buy a new blank log book.
2. buy a nice sandal
3. date Stupid shit out
4. Sleep early today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I'm so god damn worried for my gals yesterday =(
I know ya gals feel alright bout my absence,
but somehow I can't forgive myself for not being able to make it there.
I just hope all the bad silly things can end soon.
And sometime I really have ta say that some guys are really fucked up. -.-

Hokay, end of story.
A bit mood-less today~


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just came back from my 1st Campus discussion.
There was a commotion after that.
Which I wanna stay neutral bout it.
Alright stern!.
No la, I'm so glad to see most of my course mates today!
Yeah man.
Didn't change much.
But I believe everyone is getting more mature [:
Not saying ya guys are childish la -.-
Anyway, I just love this morning =D

But after that I dragged myself back home.
Wondering to sleep or wait for rest to meet up.
Not much response from rest now.
I believe we are all slacking away.
And I know Stupid shit is still sleeping.
I know he had a long day yesterday and a tiring week as well.
So yah, I didn't expect him to wake up not until 3pm.
This is what I reckon.

I can't deny myself being a "thinker".
One whom can get a single stimulation and run thoughts for whole day.
I am... yes I am.
I am happy, yet confused.
Things I learned so far:
1. Never make any expectations in any types of relationship. You accept what it already is.
2. Do not think too much, just keep on believing that this relationship will last long.
3. Act, don't say.

Alright enough of my craps, it seems that today's outing will be late.
So yeah, I will go take a nap and wait for SOMEONE to call.
Stupid shit is still sleeping.
Eat shit la!

Friday, November 14, 2008

HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to Hao yest!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Hao's Mommy!

Oh man.
Feel terrible today.
Took flu med in the morning,
and now gotta suffer in lab by nearly-fall-asleep.
Trying to keep myself awake by all means.
Now indulging in a pile of work and gosh really bth.
But I guess my cough and flu are subsiding.
Quick quick go away virus.

Can't imagine I'd took so many days of MC.
I hope this is the first and last time!
There's much more thing to do you know you know...
And yea!.
Stupid shit booking out this evening. [:
Looking forward to see this shit.
And will be meeting Jie too!!
For a simple dinner in Pasir Ris area.
So hope I can have western for dinner tonight.
Craving not that strong,
but still WANT.

Iya stop my crap and start work again!!
Jia you! [:


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This week is the sickest week I can ever get -.-
Germs ar, please leave me soon can?
I have lotsa work to do! =(
This week is a crucial week for Curiox in promoting our products.
Then I'm so looking forward to this event...
Here I'm coughing and flu-ing away.
Lousy shit -.-
Alright, will be gg to see doctor soon le [:
Hey Luo zhan fu, see, I really got see doctor hor, don't say I lie again.
Sure show u my MC to prove I did it.
Bleahx!. =P

Hopefully Stupid shit can have nites-out today then can meet him for a while [:
I keep saying "nvm la, don't need la, come fore what, go rest la..."
BUT whatever I say are like the opposites.
This is so terrible la, 5 days can't tahan not meeting one another le,
so in future how?!
Stupid shit and Manda!
But no worry, my ma zi is forever my ma zi.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Picture time, as promised [:

Celebration with my Jie Meis! =D Special thanks to:
1 Jie aka Rin
2 Jie aka Min
3 Jie aka JW
4 Jie aka Alvin
6 Meis aka Hao
7 Meis aka Lice
Jimmy aka Gay shit
6 Meis Fu aka Ah boon
Luo zhan fu aka Stupid shit


Happy 19th Birthday to Mark! =D

This gal belongs to Mr Loo Wee Boon [:


Happy 19th birthday to Si Xuan on 9th Nov! =D

The long day out. Tired but Sweet. Loves Simpan!

I love the LOTUS gals! =D

Had a hard time today =(
Been dizzy whole day due to flu and cough.
I can feel my fever approaching -.-
Went all the way to CDC book my practical test.
Wau $200 plus!
This is so insane.
So I die die have to pass.

Thanks to all peeps whom had wished me Happy Birthday! [:
It's sweet enough le =D
My common wish: Everyone to be healthy and happy [:

Thought a lot today.
I'm not lost, but I know I have some fan nao.
Whatever it is, I hope my gals can get their xin fu soon.
Yes soon.
Whoever dare to bully my gals, I'll definitely smack ya guys!!!
What my gals need is sincerity, NOT SWEET TALKS.

To Stupid shit, for all the hurts you'd gotten in the past,
I'll make up for you.
For the care and love you deserve,
I'll shower you with lotsa them too!
You need not worry bout me,
I'll be healthy and happy and crazy as what you want me to be.
As for to be a gentle lady mah...
I'll try my best yea ^.^
I just wanna say I LOVE YOU, Mr Loo Wee Leong!
You're my ma zi.
4 Jie teach me de...
heh heh.

Todays is 10.11.08, my 19th Birthday.
I wanna say I miss my uncle whom had a fatal accident in his workplace on the 11.10.07
Uncle, you're missed badly and hope you're doing well there [:

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Oh man... these days really superb tired.
To the max.
But I definitely enjoyed the weekend [:
Hais... but WHY my birthday on a MONDAY?!
So damn sad and shack -.-
I know my family won't specially buy me a cake,
cos they are not used to celebrating such occasion.
So I super thick-skinned!
I told my mum I'll buy myself a cake tml,
and force them to sing me birthday song!!!
Fierce yea.
Heh heh.

Yesterday was a long day for me.
But I love it.
Went CDC to pay for my TP,
BUT the counter closed at 12pm and I was late for 58 mins. -.-
Well done.
And I went to find Stupid shit to pass him his wallet and mp3.
Gong shit la, forget to take his stuffs from me.
Then he walked me to take bus 27 so I went Tamp mall find pressy for the Nov babies.
But hor, to no avail.
Sad -.-

Later in the evening met up with sick Hao to East Coast Park and met up with our own friends.
It's Mark's birthday BBQ! [:
Happy 19th birthday Mark!
Wish you to be as cheerful as ever! =D
Mich, Ruby, Kw, Marissa, Issac, Matty, Carmen and Alicia were there.
Yea! [:
But hor... we forgot to take group photo again -.-

Then went back to Downtown East chalet and find 1 Jie.
And good thing is that, she's not bored there.
So we went home a while later cos I was super unwell.
But at last we met 2 Jie to have gals talk.
To have serious talk. [:

To my gals:
Different peeps have different opinions.
You need not seek all their advices.
What they give you is only to give you mental preparations.
The thing that matters the most is what you feel like doing.
If you're confident enough, just do it.
I actually took risk on Friday.
Though I'm so damn afraid of being rejected,
but if I know he's the right one,
he's the one whom I really care for,
kao eh just chiong ar!!
I hope ya gals can get back ur xin fu too.
And happily ever after [:
Not to forget, I'll always be here for ya gals.
24 hours available =D

To my Stupid shit:
Thanks for everything.
I dunno why I thank you for,
but yah, just accept it!!
I'm glad that I met you on 28th August 2008 =D
I went to track the day from my previous posts.
Anyway, let's jia you together bah [:

Hokay, meeting my gals and boys and Stupid shit soon!.
At 5pm, cya guys! [:

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Stupid shit ar, thank you [:

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Will be superb busy these days =(
Please bare with me man.
Have lotsa pressy not bought and sent out. -.-
Do it fast man Manda.
Alright, to my fellow friends,
TAKE GOOD CARE of ya health and stay positive no matter how fuck up life is yea? [:
SMILE always!
It really helps! =D

[JIA YOU] ^.^

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Blessedness, from you [:
Thank you super much...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

YOYO! [:

New set of Birthday Wish list:

1. BIG Winne The Pooh bear (Oi, you really wanna buy for me ar?! Hahahas.)
2. Bag
3. Wallet
4. Bus guide (I'm not kidding with ya guys, I really need it =X)
5. External hard disk
6. Bring me out for dinner (please... LOL.)

That's all =D
If no pressy nvm, wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY will do le.
So sad shit, may not be able to celebrate on that day.. cos it's a weekday. =(
But nvm, it's nearing!!!
And to all November babies, HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance! [:

Saturday, November 01, 2008

People changes.
You too.
Everyone else too.
Him too.

I just hope for now,
we hope we are forever unchanged...

And to my gals,
no matter what happpen in future,
ya gals are forever important to me,
forever precious to me!

Many things happened this year,
and to all obstacles,
we are so not going to surrender to you!.

Anyway, I'll be changing my birthday wishlist again.
Have smth to add.