Wednesday, June 04, 2008

May flunk RTechB again -.-
Was totally blank when I saw the questions.
"What had I studied?"
I'm simply using all my past memory work...
Yeah so dead! -.-

But forget it, it's over too.
Never let an incident hold you back, cos it's gone and done already!
Look forward Manda!.

Finally I'd bought my medicine!.
Yeah =D
Going to stop my cough by tml!
Cos I wanna run badly [:

Tml will be having BPT paper.
Wish myself all the best again.
As long I'd done my part well,
I FAIL with no regret [:

I am praying...
*for my cough to stop
*for term tests to be over soon!
*for him to be safe and sound
*for my jie meis to be healthy and happy
*for my daddy to stop hurting himself during work
*for my mama that she'll always crap with me
*for all my fellow frens to pass all their term tests
I love ya guys! [:

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