Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Cleared 2 papers today.
I may flunk...
But yah, I'm just testing my luck on the spot.
All the best to me then [:

Tml will be RTechB, god the scariest paper you can ever have -.-
I have phobia for recombinant vector now.
Hokay, time to stop my craps and really find some entertainment to relieve my stress.

I am feeling okay today.
Or had I been too emo for the past few days?
Yup, I admit that I can change my expression at any time and situation.
I know how to control my mood well and try my best not to do any silly stuffs unless NECESSARY.
Anyway, it's time I should reflect more and control my temper better [:
Jia you!.
I can de [:

Hokay, way to SING!~

*Music never stop in me
YOU too.

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