Friday, March 19, 2010

Manda Lim, you simply cmi. =.=
It's a big big disappointment I'd so far this year.
Though it's just half a mark to get a passing rate,
I think I'm no difference from getting the lowest one.
I can't say it's unfair, because I think it's my prob.
It's like you're operating a business, and the amount of input you gave, you hope the output is more.
But unfortunately, it fails me.
Had I been too complacent?
or had I been too careless?
I told Bro bout it, he wasn't too concern bout the score,
but rather the mistake I made.
All I could answer is, I'm quantitatively efficient, but qualitatively inefficient.
Careless is not an excuse, it's just a way to escape from the fact.
Since it's fact, you shall buck up.
Just feel like punishing myself in a hard way.
Couldn't be forgiven, by MYSELF.
Manda you sucks la! :(

Gonna be emo for a day, locked up in the room, & get clear of what I'm aiming for.
My target hasn't been reached yet.

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