Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's still night now, no flow of night breeze at all.
Managed to finish 3/4 of Com Law Vitiating factor.
It's killing my brain cells for sure.
You can play Law, but not study Law.
It's not that "challenging" when it gradually becomes a huge chunk of anonymous material.
Kao eh... tired. =.=
But really appreciate Ck's idea of collating these into handy notes (:
In fact, he did a lot more.

Was peeping some blogs, which apparently speak deep in the root of heart.
As said, friends, just 1 or 2 is enough, you never want more to induce your disappointment.
Friends, should never, never never try to harm you in the very 1st place.
Thanks to them, I hardly trust anyone.
Anyway, there will sure be others whom knows how to appreciate you too, hence cheer up. (:

Recently, been tagging my friends out for supper.
Damn fun, superb fun, GAN fun!
Many many loves to them, whom never fails to brighten up my "night"! :D

Shall post some pictures again soon yea?
Damn lazy to do so now.

Class again tml.
But I'm looking forward, cos it's chit chat dinner again. (:
The 3-8 clique that includes Xian, CK & Kelvin.
And me, of course la.
Cos I'm the most crude among all =.=

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