Sunday, January 31, 2010

Finally, Manda cried out le...
Her tears were worthless, but her pain is so dreadful...
No one can really understand how deep the wound is, unless you're in my shoes.
I just hope things change for the better soon...
"Have you ever regret having such a lousy gf?.."
"I only regret for not loving her more..."
Thank you very much...
You simply have an exquisite personality that makes me feel right whenever I don't.
Thanks again...
Dear all friends, do not hurt anyone, be it a good friend or a stranger, as wounds will definitely leave scars.
Cos I know I have friends, whom will either approach me for cash or my funeral...
It's the reality.
But truthful & loyal friends still do exist, like my Khakis & Gal Gal & Gu Gu. (:
All the best!.
Manda is experiencing high injuries this week, hence will be recuperating at home.
She'll be out for a while tml morning to get her CNY clothes ready!
Ladies just can't be stingy with clothes.
More updates to come along.
Catch ya!

P.S. I'm not concerned whether I'm wronged, I'm only pissed with how creatures wronged the others.

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