Monday, March 12, 2007

A simple me

Wahahahas. I'm back ppl =) I know ya guys may not bother, but I really hope to see your response!!!... XP Hmm.. These days, Manda is dead. I wonder where her soul had gone to, but she's becoming exceptionally quiet. She's not that introvert, she know herself =X But what had exactly caused her that, she really would like to have an answer too -_-??...

I'd a nightmare few days ago, I don't wish that thing would happen to me, or you can say it's too early. I'll be at a doleful loss if any of that kind happen to me. Be it anyone, I just can't live without my family and friends =( If anything bad is to happen, please target me then. Hais.. I've been pessimistic recently, I'd no idea why. Alright, let's talk bout other stuffs then.

Everything is not going right. My study, relationships, work... no... I disfavor it. I can't live blissfully because I feel sense of lost and discomfort. Where is my hard work?... Where is my perseverance?... Where is the guy who will really take care of me now?... Where the hell I'm in now?...

The guy whom I'd accidentally fell in crush now is so unreal to me. It seemed that I'm dreaming because he is too good for me... He's really a nice person, I think he's the first guy I'd known so far, who is so caring and yet the second one who is giving me lotsa attention (other than Jerry Bro) . =) I like the way I' being cared for as though he's a SPECIAL brother to me. I don't wish for anything, just as long this special friendship between us prolong.

Hmm... Looking forward to have another Qi Jie Meis gathering. Hopefully by this week so that Jie Fu can join us along =) I've a mission but not willing to tell ya guys. Bleahs XP Wahahahas.

I'm now trying to train my vocal... Because I'm addicted to singing. Addicted to go Kbox, addicted to singing with MeiQi Ahyi again!!!.... lol. Die, I'm addicted to thinking of him X( Iyo... So jia luck leh...
(Deep in trouble -_-)

Oh yah!!!... I'm in love with my room!!!... Because finally I'd packed my stuffs neatly!!!... Wahahahas. Realised that life can still be joyful just because you have a nice place for you to rest and think well =)

And tomorrow gonna start work, gonna see that asshole Moon....Darn..Hais,but nvm, I'll do my best service tomorrow =) Gambatte Kudasai!!!... =D


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