Saturday, March 31, 2007

幸福的地图歌词-萧亚轩(Hsiao, Ya Hsuan Elva)

我要爱 就直奔你方向
我要梦 想抱你个满怀

Wishing for
*One love
*Blissful life and future
*Family to be happy and healthy
*Endless 七姐妹-ship

Not feeling well today,
ended up sleeping for the whole day.
Had two light meals , sad that the filet-O-fish is not coupled with fries and coke =(
Was moved by 二姐's words "I just feel like having gatherings everyday with you guys!"
二姐, if you're peeping my blog, I would love too!!!... Tears rolled down my cheek when I see that, felt sudden pang of gulit that I can't accompany ya girls as much as I want to.
Loving you gals olwas! I promise =D

Hokay, I'll be back watching my


Love and cares,
mY fridae

The girls said my posts are super complicated. Hence I'll try to shorten my sentence XP

Went to Maple Clinic to consult about my skin.
Cost me $8o.5o
Befriended four very nice girls and met Dr Ong.
The nurses there were like shit =X

Attended TP Band concert, Issac looked great with formal wear!!.. =)
In love with the song Beauty And The Beast too, I gonna train my tunes for that =D
Carmen, her friend and Mark were there too.

Oh yah!!!... Not to forget, I saw Taizi passing by Maple Clinic!!!... It was him, with his cap on, he looked so dashing =) This time, I managed to catch a short glance from him.
kao... his eyes were big T_T

Returned home. Watched 100 Percent Senorita!!!... Stopping at episode 6.
Tml going job interview with er jie, wonder what it'll be like.
Anyway, cheers =)

~Lazy to think about it. Why are they so complicated?.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Surprisingly, the solution to the problem doesn't seems to be that easy. Hence, I'll let natures takes its course. Though I feel there's a serious need to make myself adapt to the new situation, but I'm somehow reluctant to change my own style, my life. I don't wanna change anything for anyone except for QJM and my ex-pals. They are too precious to me le =) I hope god will guide me along.

Today, I was wondering, "who's my true love?...Or in other words, true crush?"... However, the response from myself was NO ONE!... Taizi as I said was a fantasy, and the other guy was just a very good friend and obviously nothing will happen between us. Ultimately, it's still me alone. But I still like being single, I dunno why. I feel safer and enjoy freedom =) I am me, Manda, a girl whom will never change for any guy unless I love him more than myself. As for now, I've no place for anyone. My confident is back, I wanna move on to my GOAL!!!... Heh heh.

And lastly cos I'm too lazy and god damn sleepy, I just wanna add on that I love my...
*Qi Jie Meis

~I tried but I don't see the efforts from you guys, so I really have to let nature takes its course then. Don't ask me why cos I really have no answer for that.
~And thanks to Anderson, for all you've shared with me this morning. I'd learnt a lot, and I'll keep moving on no matter how stupid the pranks god wanna play on me.


Sunday, March 25, 2007


Yoyo people!!!... I'm BACK =D

Hokay, let me summarize my good day on friday.

Basically, went shopping in TM and Bugis with Mich, Ruby, Sheena and Leslie. Ruby was a bit fumed cos we were rather late. But in the first place, I really don't know that the others were joining too. lol. -_- So yup, Ruby, SORRY T_T And it was such a coincident to meet Gary with his girlfriend and CK. Hahahs. Then we went Metro to find Mich's drum bag. All were quite expensive but I think it's the money cos they're of quality Mich =) After that, I really need to leave for work. And somehow, I wasn't really enjoying myself. Wonder whether the fault lies on me..that I just simply can't blend into their conversation. Perhaps I've missed too much meetings and camps with them, that's why I somehow outcasted. And yea, certain things that they talk I don't understand. As if...I feel myself like a shadow. Just to add in the fun?... Alright, I think the problematic one is me then =( Anyway, I'm still at EMO state.

After work, I went for the movie TMNT in Cathay with Fiona, Yi Qian, Bei Shan, Kerwei, Jeremy and Kent. God, it was really nice!!... And I love Michelangelo!!!... He's so cute!!!.. =D Catch it people! Worth your time and money =) Then we ton the whole night chatting in Chinatown Mac. Oh god, the place is not CLEAN =X Hahahs. Then we talk bout death.. and I cried. lol. Hence, one thing I learnt, treasure your loved ones =)

And on sat, I slept for almost the whole day after med =P

Hokay!!.. There's somemore to talk about tml once I come back from one-day-Malacca trip with my baobeis!!.. =D

I love them I love them I love them!!..=)


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

U guys need nOt know what it means

No matter what.... I'll still give my blessings to them if it really is to happen =) The love and attention which I can't get, I won't care. Just as long my love ones are satisfied with what they have.

You know, I'm so surprised with my own self. I didn't know that I had analyzed thoroughly, enough for what may happen in future. FUTURE, no one knows but you can foresee. However, with facts and reasons. It's so heartbreaking to see a poor thing waiting for something so far and true, so I think I would want to help ease the pain by.... letting it off.

Being happy is not alone, I'm motivated, ya guys are my motivator =)


Monday, March 19, 2007


Nah...Today is a sick day for me. Having sore throat and a slight fever. But nvm, I'll be out soon ltr XP Just dun wanna get lock up in the house, it's so boring.

It's hoilday now, hey holiday now!!!... but why there's no excitement at all?... Is it work that hinder up the fun?... I really wonder. I so look forward to see my parents as I rarely see them these days. I lovvvvveeee them!!!...

Alright, practically I've some tasks today. Sew my clothings and mop the floor. I need to force my sweat out before giving my fats the chance to build their homes there!!!... Hell...getting plump... and just couldn't get rid of these tsunami arms... Haisyo! Get on working manda!!!.. =X


Friday, March 16, 2007


There are certain things to be kept simple...

Pure friendship will last longer...

Cos I love the way it is...

Love and cheers to everyone =)

Lotsa cares,

Monday, March 12, 2007

A simple me

Wahahahas. I'm back ppl =) I know ya guys may not bother, but I really hope to see your response!!!... XP Hmm.. These days, Manda is dead. I wonder where her soul had gone to, but she's becoming exceptionally quiet. She's not that introvert, she know herself =X But what had exactly caused her that, she really would like to have an answer too -_-??...

I'd a nightmare few days ago, I don't wish that thing would happen to me, or you can say it's too early. I'll be at a doleful loss if any of that kind happen to me. Be it anyone, I just can't live without my family and friends =( If anything bad is to happen, please target me then. Hais.. I've been pessimistic recently, I'd no idea why. Alright, let's talk bout other stuffs then.

Everything is not going right. My study, relationships, work... no... I disfavor it. I can't live blissfully because I feel sense of lost and discomfort. Where is my hard work?... Where is my perseverance?... Where is the guy who will really take care of me now?... Where the hell I'm in now?...

The guy whom I'd accidentally fell in crush now is so unreal to me. It seemed that I'm dreaming because he is too good for me... He's really a nice person, I think he's the first guy I'd known so far, who is so caring and yet the second one who is giving me lotsa attention (other than Jerry Bro) . =) I like the way I' being cared for as though he's a SPECIAL brother to me. I don't wish for anything, just as long this special friendship between us prolong.

Hmm... Looking forward to have another Qi Jie Meis gathering. Hopefully by this week so that Jie Fu can join us along =) I've a mission but not willing to tell ya guys. Bleahs XP Wahahahas.

I'm now trying to train my vocal... Because I'm addicted to singing. Addicted to go Kbox, addicted to singing with MeiQi Ahyi again!!!.... lol. Die, I'm addicted to thinking of him X( Iyo... So jia luck leh...
(Deep in trouble -_-)

Oh yah!!!... I'm in love with my room!!!... Because finally I'd packed my stuffs neatly!!!... Wahahahas. Realised that life can still be joyful just because you have a nice place for you to rest and think well =)

And tomorrow gonna start work, gonna see that asshole Moon....Darn..Hais,but nvm, I'll do my best service tomorrow =) Gambatte Kudasai!!!... =D


Friday, March 09, 2007

Hmm...A thurs nites =)

Certain things are meant to keep in hearts and store them as very beautiful memories.. =) But there are also certain things that disgusted part of my life, and hence I tried very hard to forget but to no avail X(

Right up till now, I wanna thanks this very sweet girl whom actually mentioned that to me and yeap, I know she meant well =) As for the coward I'd known last year, I really look down on you. There is no crime liking a person, but what's wrong with you to broadcast this to everyone???.... You have nothing better to do???... Listen here, you're nothing but a complete loser =X Whatever happened in the past, I realised it was bro who took care of me well and pampered us like his sisters, thanks a lot bro, I know I'd mistaken you so badly in the past =( SORRY =X

And now... I felt a bit lost. Some friends commented that I'm a good person, bu frankly speaking, I'm not at all X( I realised a bad habit of mine, Pang-sehing =X Something which needs time, cos I really did it unintentionally X( Many things happened, yet they clashed with the day I'm supposed to be with my fellow friends. Yah whatever happens, blame me yea, it's really my fault, I can't deny X( I'm drifting far away from my precious classmates... I'm so sorry... Only if I've the time... Soon... I think soon... =)

Had really fun day with MeiQi Ahyi, Naggy kerwei and Jeremy aka taupok!!!... I love singing with MeiQi Ahyi!!!... Cos she sings really nice and sweet =) Best of all, our voices can blend into one another's!!!... Hahahas. Jeremy can't even regconise who was who XP Hais, but MeiQi going Japan in June soon, so I gonna lose my precious Ahyi le... Hah, I can never forget the first day we met in grill, she was so stern but when you really chat heartily with her, there's so many things you can learn and be entertained by her =) If not that she'd guided me in riverbank, Mr Sam would have thrown me into the river!!!!.... XP lol. MeiQi Ahyi, I gonna miss you lots!!!! X(

And Xiaodi aka Anderson will be leaving together with MeiQi Ahyi and Maggie soon X( There is no such incident whereby you'll hear Xiaodi scold anyone... He treated us the Junior staffs well and with respect too =) Whenever I feel down, Xiaodi will be the one to encourage me and make me very nice drinks or even cocktails!!!... XP

You know guys, I'm so fortunate to have come to grill, if not, I won't be the Manda now =) I'm really blessed to have very nice friends around in TP though I still dislike the course X(

lol. For whatever happens, Manda will always think of you guys...our story...our past...

Xiao Da Bian

Sunday, March 04, 2007

FUn Dae XD

Firstly, I wanna apologise to Da Jie and Sotong Jie!!.. Ya gals should know why X( Dui bu qi dui bu qi!!.. Btw, Da jie, you must really jia you and take lotsa care orh!... I have this good feeling that you'll succeed in signing up bond with SGH =) All the best yea and love you lOts!!..

Hokay, let me briefly talk bout yesterday =)

Argh!!!... Really had a fun time with Sotong Jie yesterday!!!... Went Lavender for facial, then Bugis street to shop. Oh man, there are too many things I wanna buy!!!... Bought a black shirt at 10 bucks and Sotong Jie bought a nice denim- mini skirt at 10 bucks!!!... It's really worth it you know guys!!!... Found out that the mini skirt Cindy wearing now was from the same seller too!!!... Hahahs.. No wonder she found the design so similar as her's at the display =)

After then, my stomach started growling, and Sotong Jie suggested going to the new shopping mall opposite my working place in Clarke Quay. Oh god, if not Sotong Jie gave this brilliant suggestion, I would not have found out the un-noticeable. Lol. We actually realise that the exterior design of the shopping mall was rather similar to that of Vivo-city. Hence, a question posed to you guys, are both Vivo-city and the new shopping mall opposite Clarke Quay, under the same organisation?... heh heh. Time to make some research, I'm too lazy to do so XP And not to forget mentioning bout the food there, omg... it was... it was... so... so... sooo... YUMMY!!!... MaMamia!. People, cos I'm too lazy to describe how DELICIOUS the dishes are, how BEAUTIFUL the view of our restaurant at night is and how WONDERFUL is the combination of enjoying life in Clarke Quay, so hurry up and tuck in the Taiwanese delight in level four Food Court of the new shopping mall yea!!!....Woot!!.. Weet weeeeeeeet!!..

And after dinner, we were about to take the lift down when.... we found out ourselves drifting towards the loads of nice and elegant dresses!!!... Oh god!!!.. The prices are very reasonable and yet they are imported from USA and HongKong, good qualities!!!... But of course, you guys have to fasten up your decision when you find out the right one for the very unique you, because their quantities are quite limited!!!... =)

Alright, this place is called De ANGELS. They are selling casual-formal prom night dresses and some accessories. So these are the founder of the stylish shop Kelly Ang and Reyes Chua. Tel/Fax: (65) 65347379. Of course it'll be better if you visit their website at

Finally, we proceed on to Almafi and chit-chat with another sotong de Vivien XP lol. Poor her has been tensed up by her new attachment and suffered quite a lot X( Don't worry girl!!!... Two months flies!!!... =) You'll soon be back to freedom again de, cheer up yea!!!...

And talk a lot with Sotong Jie while waiting for NR 7 this morning... Really talk a lot...bout the old staffs, how the history of grill went about... how we met... our impressions of one another... the ones we once liked or even treasured so darlingly...and yeap... a lot... thinking back about all these, tears did moisturize my eyes but it didn't really show since my eyes are so small...heehee.

1)When time flies, please be prepared for lotsa changes. You cannot expect what they are but you just can't stop what gonna happens.

2)Whoever you meet in life, whoever you can talk to him/her without hindering your true self, pls... pls treasure them, cos you wont know when they gonna be busy and lose contact with you X(

3)When you work for a company, you don't work just as an employee, you work as one of the family members =)

4)Be happy with what you have now, cos it's never possible to lead your life through smoothly. Somehow, somewhat, humans just have to suffer. (But of course to a limit la XP)

5)Loving yourself is how you show your love to your darling parents =)

6)Even you aren't special, you'll always have a no. 1 fans of yours =)

Heartfelt thanks to all grill people, to my Qi Jie Meis, to my clique in AF15 and my family that my life aren't that dull cos I have you guys to guide me along.

Thanks, thanks and thanks =)
