Saturday, November 27, 2010

When I finally realize...

That everyone is leading their own life well, I'm glad it's so ((:
See, the earth takes 365 days to revolve that very 1 round, and the fact that many things changed, it's not surprising at all.
Think I'm always one beat slower than any normal being on earth.
Recalling the bitchy chit chats @ mountain top,
the Poly times @ WS Mac to mug,
the lotus peeps,
the days when I never fail to smile....((:

One day when my Uni ends, I'll miss them too I believe.
As it's becoming a past tense again, smth to reminisce again...

As in my conclusion is...

You need not really let go,
but hold on & treasure the nice memories bit by bit,
cherish what we have now,
people around us,
till old...
at the least we lived with no regrets at all ((:

Perhaps this is life,
not pessimistic,
but accepting the fact that alr exist since many many years ago...((:


I miss this Boy max.

I rmb counting down in mins to his off-days.
Now, in hours.
Cos I wanna make life easier for both of us X)
I love you dude,
no point investing my love to else one,
cos you're the best worth it investment in this whole wide world I gonna have.

I think I've this kind of boyish "Jiao Bin" in nature.
But see, I accept this fact HAHA.

Alright, blye blye~~~