Friday, December 22, 2006

The 6-daes journey

I really can’t believe that so many things happened to myself last 6 exact daes =) It’s a fantasy, not nightmare at all. This is cos I learnt a lot from them and notice e trend of a relative-ship. What one gains can never be from their close ones, instead they’re people whom you dun really know and willing to give you their moral supports. Venture Era, a place where I like the culture but uncomfortable with e politics. I know few of these somehow, but not allowed to disclose them. My upline or direct BM is barely 3 yrs older than me, yet I'm told to address him as Mr. XXX.. I felt cool in the first place, wonder when will I have chance to be addressed lyk this. However, no worry, cos I've a fairly good BM to guide me along...I know what he's motive is, I wont blame him anywhere =) But I'm giving up right now, hence he might hate me to e core X( I really apologise, as I mentioned, I don't have e capital to start my network. And seriously, I've a very weak network. That is when I realise my aunt is such a disappointment. I must trust my parents cos they'd went through that and I'd seen my dad's journey in the past. I thought it was because he didnt work hard enough or rather the idea n work he'd done was rather inefficent. But getting to know the market now, sales line is hard to achieve. I simply can't get myself to vow for this job, cos I really had no interest at all!... What I wanna be is Hotel Manager, not sales executive or manager... I wanna use my sincerity to approach my customer, not a product to approach them instead.

Through this very short journey, I realised that Manda had grown up XP I may not be experienced but still able to rectify the wrongs I found in e company. I know all companies r somehow corrupted, I dont blame or even feel surprised. Cos I understand everyone is trying their very best to fight for their own position. It's like past hunters hunting and killing animals for food to survive. But now, since human r able to get their foods easily, they will increase their needs. U know, it's normal. Who is not like this?...I may be one very dae =) But Hotel is somewhere I dun really need ta fight for anything. Cos I only wanna my prospect to get e best service they deserve when spending time n money in the hotel, and cos I'm willing to work, I'm really comfortable in earning what I get in the end =) I know I'll fight till e very end =) But when someone is up to no good, earning a large some of money using despicable tricks , is it worth living then when you're not happy at all?... "Monkey sees, monkey do" as what my direct BM had told me, so are the downlines all monkey?.. Though they may be putting a false front before us??..I wonder when I'd turned negative but is it true??.... It's really a qn... But I really wanna thanks them alot...Cos certainly they'd wasted quite a lot of time on me.. I'm really sorry that I wanna give up. Cos I dun want this type of life. Though I love wearing a black neat blazer and earning 5 figures sum of money every month =) Omg...I hope this is my life... A hotel manager earning 5000 bucks every month without fail, getting to drive a nice car and roam around with friends n family, having big feast occasionally, living in a big big house, able to go overseas during the holidaes and getting married to a sweet nice loyal husband at e age of 21 X).. U know...u know...all these seems fiction but I simply want it to turn them into reality cos I wanna the best of my life!... Not through sales line but service line =) Argh!!!... How am I going to reply Mr..... hais... I really feel so sorry for him... He'd ta go through so much rubbish for me... I seemed ta be a lousy follower.

Alright, somehow I've updated what I'd gone through so far..and frankly, I really dont regret doing all these stuffs. And the commission I'd earned, I decide to return to the real owner.. It's barely 4 bucks I noe XP I dont wanna to earn smth tt dont belong to me X)

I know...when the time comes...My real desired ambition will come prince will appear before me... I will work hard as I promised cos I want my family to have e best out of the best =)

Love to my QJM, thx to sotong Jie, Eric and uncle Edwin having to spare time to give me their precious advice... If not for ya guys, I might have dropped dead crying like hell. For wadeva happens, I realised that there's only ur family and frens for u to lend their shoulders and a blessed helping hands. Instead, ur relatives will be there to add salt to ur wound, creating a big world of craps and negatives in ur life. No, never will Manda die so easily. She'll certainly buck up and prove them that she's much more worth living in this small small world than them. At least she's willing to absorb the power of real values =)

And what's more, gambatte kudasai!...

Signing off,
Neva gif up de Manda =)

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