Friday, October 27, 2006

The evaluation
Just couldn't figure out why I can't get into sleep. Think I'm over-exhilarated of the lectures I gonna have tml!...But not to be too happy now, cos there'll be no break tml X(... We gonna starve!
This is due to the CSAS tutorial class we'd missed on Tues which was a public holidae( Hari Raya Pusa). But nvm, we shall get over it soon =)
My new modules really excite me!..I'm looking forward to the challenges instead of stress and I promised Carmen that I'll work hard on my practical provided that she'll drill me this semester!... And I couldn't deny that she makes a good teacher. Nvm, I'll shower her with sweets tml XP.. Nah nah..I'm not treating her as kids, but we really need sweet to make us stay alert for the entire dae lectures!... I must make it to the end!.. So do my frens =D
I know I'm prepared...somehow... Had two CDS, the basic finance and entrepreneurship. If I've the interest, I think I can do well =) The most fun of all, I'd my classmates to accompany me during lectures and tutorials!... Hahahas!
Have been working and schooling, meanwhile getting fresh ahead with Shermaine, a very nice fren of mine =) We surely had fun!...But if I stop work bext wk, hardly can we meet up again..hais X( I dunno why I get along with her so well..Never had I realised that during sec sch, but nvm, it did and it's going pleasant, having a good listener and someone to crap along is certainly a kind of luxury. One that money can't buy =)
Talking bout this, missed my Qi Jie Meis lots lots....Though I'm in the same school as Si jie and San Jie, I still haven't met them... X( And my liu meis, wonder how she's going on with Simon?...or a guy I wonder if she'd chance to be with, Satay boi? dunno..Think I might have missed out smth XP... And my dearest Da jie, whether she's coping well with both her work and swimming and the upcoming attachment which happens to be...when ar?? And my Er Jie, hope she wont get so stress over O lvl!...And Qi meis...hoping that she can forgive her wu Jie for not been able to attend her BBQ-cum-bdae party last fridae X(..I really apologise..and I promised a big big gift for her =) I was thinking of a jean, wonder if she likes it??...
Heehee...My bdae coming bout 2 wks time??...I really hope this yr bdae to be a special one...cos I'd certainly no mood to celebrate last yr, thanks to O lvl Biology!... But nvm, I'll compensate myself this yr =) I wanna celebrate with lotsa family, frens and that we all can come together! And my next greater wish I would leave for is to the guy I once had a crush on him...* do I phrase myself.. Love cannot be forced, unless they're really an item, they wont be together. I see myself liking this guy and gradually grew cos of his forwarded msgs which I know cannot take it seriously..I'd no rights to blame him either cos at least he forwarded. Several times, he gave me false hopes, I took it for real and hate him when it turns out to be a fiction. Felt myself being cheated. So what?..Nah nah..I'd thought too much. I won't in future. Cos I couldn't bring myself to like him anymore, I still belong to my comfort zone...It happens to be uneasy whenever he treats me good X) I'll olwas rmb the nites in e transport van where he lent me his jacket to cover up my laps...But instead, I hug it to feel the taste of being protected..of being cared about...I really thanks him =) He'll remain to be my fren and will not reach beyond a friendship. He gave me the reality and let me fall hard, tts wad I deserved but at least I understand how it's like. Nvm, I'd already forgiven.
I'll be resting in my comfort zone till I really meet my Prince froggy...I know when I get to know this person, I'll love him darlingly =) All the best in future Manda but not to forget you still have ur study as frontier!

Signing off,

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