Friday, September 22, 2006

So Sick
Ever heard this song?..I feel the lyrics very interesting and thanks to Joey lao pa whom sent me this Hip hop song..heehee. Miss him lots.
Next I did a pluto craftwork yesterdae!! happy and satisfied XP Proud of myself too..hee!..But William my boss commented that its thigh too thick. lol. sians...but nvm, I've a task draw a bigger pluto!!...heehee
Received a very sweet smiling msg from him this morning...but bro's reminder "Its just a forward msg, dont think too much.."rang my head...and hence, I can only act silly and smile to the forwarded msg. I really wonder whether he dunno bout his feeling for me, or just refuse to tell me straight tt he dont lyk me..hais. I'll still wait..I dunno..but I wont force. Cos all I want him is ta be happy..whether he's with another gal or not..If he really feels alot towards the gal, I hope he can really pluck up his courage to confess bout it..what to be shy of..I did it twice man, somemore I cant believe I'm a gal XP Wish him good luck plus all e best!..=)
Recently met a despo whom I mentioned before??..I really cant If I have this chance to meet hi again..heh heh...I'll bring some gay frens for him..and he shall be gay soon. Hohoho...Hope I'm a guy, I can grab him single-handed to clark quay, bash him up, kick his bloody ass and drop him to the river..It'll be fun man!.. lol. Oh god, I'm imaginating But such basturd really need some lessons yea?...heehee....I seemed ta give ppl e idea that I'm frenly and kind..but one thing to note, dont mess with me..or e consequences will simply be tt undesirable..Understand all guys out there!!... I'm rough...I've olwas been X)

Lotsa love n violence,

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