Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Dear bloggy,
finally u're uploaded. Lol. I've waited n tried so long!
Nahs....I've been super duper lame recently...hahahs...think its e only way to fix my good emotion bahs..heehee
Why whenever I'm succeeding to forget him, he's olwas there to interuptvmy thoughts??...why why why?!!... Meis and sotong jie dun agree he's good...I felt e other way..that just came from my sixth sense XP But Joey lao pa disagreed in the past too...so hais...hear no evil!.. For wadever happens, I'm only moving towards study and leisure and frens. Nth else for goodness sake.
Hais..but I'm still waiting...in next 2 years time, where my guy will tick most of my requirements. I'm not being picky...but somehow gals still have the right to choose when most guys are so damn flirty now. lol.
Looking forward to next week...having a wedding dinner in Malaysia on 7 Oct 06..As usual gals, if u're in my position, wont you be thinking what to wear that dae?!...lol. Think I gonna catch a pant or smth similar...maybe a formal coat will make me unique that dae..and a high heel will surely improve my posture that dae..heehee...Sry for being so vain..but I just cant get rid of that!..Oh yea, gonna borrow some story books for vocabs le...forgetting my handy vocabs again...maybe I shall catch some old Reader digests some daes...heehee
Btw, befriended a cute boi who smiles so sweet!...He kept imitating me when I talk to my fren on e phone...oh dear..so cute!!..Miss him neh!....lol...hais...when can I get married soon??...I want many children..but I'll be prepared when they turn 7 XP....The so called DEVILS stage. Where u'll scratch ur head and scream at them...dun want!!...I wanna be a gracious mother..heehee...
I shall educate myself well first...XP
Hao bah, gtg le...eat n bathe...getting plump...shall exercise!...oh no..where's my commitment?!..

Lotsa love and wondering,
Naggy Manda...=)

Friday, September 22, 2006

So Sick
Ever heard this song?..I feel the lyrics very interesting and thanks to Joey lao pa whom sent me this Hip hop song..heehee. Miss him lots.
Next I did a pluto craftwork yesterdae!!...so happy and satisfied XP Proud of myself too..hee!..But William my boss commented that its thigh too thick. lol.
Hais...so tired..so sians...but nvm, I've a task todae..to draw a bigger pluto!!...heehee
Received a very sweet smiling msg from him this morning...but bro's reminder "Its just a forward msg, dont think too much.."rang my head...and hence, I can only act silly and smile to the forwarded msg. I really wonder whether he dunno bout his feeling for me, or just refuse to tell me straight tt he dont lyk me..hais. I'll still wait..I dunno..but I wont force. Cos all I want him is ta be happy..whether he's with another gal or not..If he really feels alot towards the gal, I hope he can really pluck up his courage to confess bout it..what to be shy of..I did it twice man, somemore I cant believe I'm a gal XP Wish him good luck plus all e best!..=)
Recently met a despo whom I mentioned before??..I really cant recall..lol. If I have this chance to meet hi again..heh heh...I'll bring some gay frens for him..and he shall be gay soon. Hohoho...Hope I'm a guy, I can grab him single-handed to clark quay, bash him up, kick his bloody ass and drop him to the river..It'll be fun man!.. lol. Oh god, I'm imaginating things.lol. But such basturd really need some lessons yea?...heehee....I seemed ta give ppl e idea that I'm frenly and kind..but one thing to note, dont mess with me..or e consequences will simply be tt undesirable..Understand all guys out there!!... I'm rough...I've olwas been X)

Lotsa love n violence,

Friday, September 15, 2006

All guys like pretty girls
# True OR False
All guys loved to push unwanted girls to e others
# True OR False
I'm quite ugly
# True OR False
Pondering the above questions...I'm starting to stabs in my heart...Why am I affected by ur words?...Who are you?...Most of the guys are bad...Even get mockings from them...bad ppl...
I mea ya...I'm close to bro but that doesnt mean he likes me ks! Why he must sae tt out?!...So bad so bad so bad!!..When he knew the truth tt I lyk him...In this case, should I not meet him out anymore?! I feel bro hiding smth from me...maybe in me..I know the ans..but wadeva happens, I wanna retain this friendship...And I'd said, I'm not ready for any relationship yet...Really not yet...
And last of all, its fairly impossible for me to have crush on him....really impossible...I'm really sad to sae this...Such thingy can't be forced..I think he understand the situation hence he refused to tell me wad he wanna deliver initially...but I can only treat him as very good bro..Come on...frens is enough...I didnt even think much between me n that camel..
Meis said he's jealous...jealous of wad?!..If it meant to be jealousy... then why push me to bro?!... Why not tell me how he feels...why guys are just so hard to understand...worse than my mum whom I tot no one will ever understand her better than me...Wadeva la!

Heehee...looking forward to sat...k lunch wib grill staffs!...As sotong jie had mentioned, it's a MUST!!...But I'd to change gym schedule with michelle on the other hand...feel so bad...
Wondering why some of them can reject the k lunch session for their personal reason...and I cant...And that I promised michelle quite long time ago le...she'll feel disappointed I know...It's not a matter whether the dates can be rearranged...but it matters the time trusting between two friends...wadeva, u dont understand....Hais..think I gtg le....Haf ta slp for a while and buck up for gym the next dae XP

Nites n sweety dream!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Full of @#$%#$%^

Now I know why a man working the same position as the woman, earns more than what the woman gets. 'cos poor women olwas have to take a week's off to settle with her aunt. Fucking hell aunt yet olwas pester women and refuse to let them off for special events...what the hell...Sorry people..I know I'm getting very harsh with my words but it's the fact! Yet if we dont invite them, there'll be problems with us and we start doubting our fucking health. What the fuck!!...Things really meant not to be complicated by all these unnecessary stuffs...I hate it all!!...

Finally, the nth(uncountable) time cold war I'd with mum this morning when she asked me whether I wanna have rice not -_-||| I shook my head and she asked anxiousy " Huh?! U working tonight again?!...Oh dear oh dear...". "No la....only left thurs to sun, then maybe from next week onwards, I'll be retrenched.." I shut her up. "Oh dear....that's my good girl....hahahhas...". What the hell...she still dont understand a single thing...hais...forget it...I'm tired and yeap, I dont wanna fight back anymore... If I gonna continue this...I think I gonna get older and die earlier. Really as I said, "Sleep and not wake up again..."

Yayaya...she's my mum, I love her, she cant lose me and I used my life to swear that I'll take care of both papa and her till long long time...No reason can I leave them alone....I'm not going to send them to old folks' home...cos I know them well better than the best nurses out there... I'll be a personal nurse to them... Hais..yea yea...

And what's next...bout him??..I deleted every single msg from him in the last few months.. And he sent one to me again yesterday night when I was composing the lyrics for lotus using Celline Dion--Because You Loved Me. Thanks to Fiona that she gave us the tittle or I think I gonna have a hard time finding this song. Btw, it's a superb nice song =) Oh yah....come back to main topic..yea..then it's in chinese...saying " though it's a long time I hadnt msg or call you, but this short little greeting is enough to bring warmth n sincerity.." Oh yah...whatever... You think I care??...Yea, frankly speaking, I care. Fucking hell... having insomnia last night just for the sake of thinking what he'd said to me long time ago... I recalled myself still working as full-time and had completed the preparation for boat and the only girl for that day to work on boat. Lionel, Chee wee, Yuda, Jeremy and he were there...Then omg...they talked bout bowl than gradually to RA stuffs... pervet guys...lol. but nvm, I'm abit yellow to that kind of stuffs =P Then of cause they would talk bout girl's precious upper body parts...and when it comes to this question "Which part of a girl attracts u?" Then some said that ONE and some said her EYES. Hoh...I wonder if it's true. But he really said that girl's eyes will attract him...Than they started to tease me... bout my eyes...and I replied " Sorry, my eyes are too small to be identified even by powerful eyesight" And that ended the topic with loud laughters.. So, what do you think?....

Life is bout learning and stepping into many new things... And losing old things, gaining new things at the same time...So which you like it more??....Having both to balance well?...Or just simply one side will do?.. For me, I would like the old staffs to stay...and the new to come later...I'm really sorry to say that...But my happiness for work only starts and ends in the past when Jeremy, Yuda, Jerry, Kenneth, Chee Wee, Lional, HuiFang, Joey, Tony, Xiao Heng, Da Heng Yali, Cyndi, MeiQi and Fiona were there. Too bad, most of these people left, and the enthusiam for work diminished. Plus fucking EZIO olwas delay the payment for staffs' salaries, so do you think I still wanna stay in this job?...If not for Sam and Chong and some staffs, I'll leave for sure, never to come back again...Cause I'm tired le..Plus some of the unfriendly people from Almafi that made me tired too... I dont understand why they've to be so hostile... Does it benefits them??... Give rise to their pay??...Bootlickers...well-said...Some of them really are like this..I hope they wont spoil the real culture for good service... Btw, we were being complained of having damn bad service last sundae...really wonder what we'd done wrong...this is for the first and must be the last..

Yeap...for a long time I hadnt blog...this is one maybe some of you guys can spend your little time on...maybe no one will see... But it all doesnt matters to me anymore.