Sunday, August 06, 2006

The dae since I work in grill, I'd grown up alot =)
I missed alot of things since the dae I'm forced ta stop =(
And from the dae I eva went for the AS orientation, I'm stuck to the monotonous lifestyle. As usual, a secondary school student I'd been in the past, study, completing tutorial hw, prepare for quizes, tests and exams....going for lectures and day-dreaming during tutorial. Sometime, I'm really wondering why am I really working so hard for someting I'd no interest at all..Isnt it a waste of my time?. And I gonna endure all these for like 2 1/2 years more?...dear god...I'm really tired and annoyed...but I just refuse to show how grudgeful I am...
And all bout him...I've started to make a full-stop to my phantasm. It'd just been a fiction...yeap...a fiction. I'm not tired at all, dont be mistaken =) I just wanna concentrate what I'm exactly doing now, and try to figure out what I gonna do next....And all bout him, I still care as friend. Similarly as Jerry bro, and any other friends. Howeva, I not gonna have any relationship for the 2 1/2 years, cos I wanna focus on my study first and if possible, hoping ta start a business for myself in 5 yrs time =) I've lotsa ambition, and since life's short, I gonna do the best out of it, as long it dont cost my life yea?! lol. I'm being realistic =D
Wadeva, I'll be back ta study and make some self-reflection again...byebye ppl =)

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