Sunday, August 27, 2006

`Give ur best and you shall neva regret`

I've given my best for the 2hrs full time reading my topic 5 for HAP. Lol. Sounds nth impressive, but it's counted as a rewarding one to me XP. I'm not slacking for that past two hrs!! lol. But nah nah...Have to perservere for the next 4 daes and here I come Lotus!!! Hohohoho...Working in grill has been a part of my life, I'm doing part of contribution not to ezio, but to Mr sam. And of cos, I learnt a lot of things at e same time. Mum is hinting me again that she love the secondary school daughter who dont stay out late at night her specially- made breakfast..with toasted bread and side skins off...butter and a little bit of sugar..a cup of hot coffee ready to be served. Love her to do all the houseworks and coming back with sparkling floor and stoves, and clean clothes. Returning home with another cup of coffee to stay awake and kaya cake bought for her during lunchtime. Hahas. Hey I'm not praising myself or wadsoeva, but there's certainly meanings hidden in these. It means "dont work anymore!"....I remained slience though.
Kks, wadeva, I'll still work. I'm a shopaholic, hence I need ta work and of cos save some for future. I must not be a burden to mum cos it's unfair to her if she needs to pay for our allowance, buy foods, toiletries, and her own stuffs. I hope I can work more, and save them in our shared bank account. She can use it anyway, I dont mind. I just love this mother dearly. All children do, dont they.
Hao bahs, lets come back to revision...wad have I learnt just now...let me recall..

Endocrine system
Hypotalamus (in the brain)
corticortropin-releasing hormone--neural, humoral(stimulated by concentration of smth)--stimulates release of adrenacorticotropic hormone
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone--stimulates release of FSH and LH
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone--stimulates release of thyroid-stimulating hormone

Anterior pituitary
Growth hormone--Hormonal--Promotes protein synthesis and fat catabolism, growth of muscles and long bones.
Adrenacorticotropic hormone--hormonal(by corticotropic h.)--stimualtes release of glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid....

Then I forget le!! Hao lah...gtg le..T_T

Good dae for ya guys!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

basically, I'm slacking away...
dieing out of siansation and stress....
Hopefully I can get alert! lol

Friday, August 25, 2006

Stress Kids in S'pOre
Stress T_T
Study so much yet nth goes in X( life!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

If I can...I hope I can kick his ass! I hate the way I'm being used as a stray pet. Where ya owner will as and when call you back when he want to. Damn to all these ppl. See now, I'm growing to miss him more! What the hell la!!...Sobbs..
I gonna mop the floor now and cleans the image of him at then same time..I'm getting sleepy le...Omg...Yawns...
If I can...I hope I can kick his ass! I hate the way I'm being used as a stray pet. Where ya owner will as and when call you back when he want to. Damn to all these ppl. See now, I'm growing to miss him more! What the hell la!!...Sobbs..
I gonna mop the floor now and cleans the image of him at then same time..I'm getting sleepy le...Omg...Yawns...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The charm and facts
There's lotsa question flooding my mind...alot..alot..
I can't predict what I'll be in future..
Who I'll work for...
My life...
My everything...
It leaves a regret yet not to be made...
cos there's nth I can do to retrieve it back...
The dreams I'd belong to me...
But now I can't even take good care of it..
seems as it's a long route...
A long distance to reach...
How can I eva do that...
Dear me...
I must do smth I noe..
Now imaginating I'm alone...
I'm to grab all opportunities...
Groom up my own talents...
Thrive for e best in order to fight against those who r in my wae..
Oh dear...
how can I do all these...
Cos u noe why...
No one will ever support me...
I must be strong..
U must be...

Sorry...I'm bit down due to some conversation made with a ex-teacher...Oh dear...It'll be really tuff than I'd expected. Nvm, I shall perservere.
Oh yah!....Seen a guy yesterdae in bus 291 and TM bus int...Hohoho..I didnt really notice his appearance...but I know he's a gentleman!!...Cos Jerry bro was e first to alight the bus at TM int..then several passengers just continued walking to the exit without stopping to let me cut their way, the fact that I'm still stuck to the seats! However, this guy, I expect to be from my school, stopped for a long while to let me walk out first..I didnt face- to- face look at him, but I just nodded my head to show my appreciation =) So sweet...what a nice guy...Seen him after movie again when I n bro were moving to queue for bus 81...I took a glance on charming!!...hahas.. Esp when I knew the fact that he is a gentleman!...How well groomed he is...Omg...I seemed like xiao za bao..hahas..cos I kept mentioning and praising this guy that even bro cant take it. lol!! But it's e fact la!!...Hohoho..How nice...I'd knock off the tot of him...I'm gradually to not like him and treat him as frens wonderful it is...when I dont have to be one of his safe I a comfort zone...having a simple and neva be revealed crush... Things are meant to be simple...and cos of my foolishness, I'm olwas doing things extra and unrealistic...hence wake up manda, U're READY!..I know I am =)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The temptation to sleep and buy!
I'm feeling sleepy now....after reading biochem...just a short paragragh makes me miss bed. am I going to manage my study??!!...terrible..
I dunno why...but I just can't help myself being vain!!..Seen lotsa cosmetic products (from neutrogena) and I can't resist the temptation to buy them all at once!!! Omg...I think I'm really going nuts. I'm poor so stop thinking bout them le lah!..Even if I'd a make-over, I'm still wad for care so much bout appearance! Study smart and dont be so blur in future will do. hahas.
Hao bah hao bah...I'm tired le....feeling sleepy..really need ta get up in the wee hour ta study and complete my tutorial le!!...wan an!!...Muackies*


Friday, August 11, 2006

God's blessing me..thanks*
If a relationship is really hard to build, can I ever meet my significant one?..
But I'm not that desperate, why should I bother so much?
If love gonna give us so much obstacles, why should we even start it out?....
He msged me yest nites..I was excited I e same time surprised that he'll inform me bout the expedition to the forest for training...I'm not worried at all..I dunno why too. Maybe afterall it's really none of my concern...Cos ppl like him act to be upright but yet took ppl for granted. I'm not his fish I'd mentioned, hence, why bother =) I'm not being bad or's true.. Who I'm really searching for is someone who really loves me and can take care of me for life..I dun need any experiment for a first relationship...I hope it's e first and last for me. Or I wouldnt have take pains to endure all sorts of nonsence...
Wadever, I'm glad that I'm starting to focus on my study..a good sign, and I shall not be disturbed by all these anymore..
I'll be strong and I noe I'm not wrong =)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The dae since I work in grill, I'd grown up alot =)
I missed alot of things since the dae I'm forced ta stop =(
And from the dae I eva went for the AS orientation, I'm stuck to the monotonous lifestyle. As usual, a secondary school student I'd been in the past, study, completing tutorial hw, prepare for quizes, tests and exams....going for lectures and day-dreaming during tutorial. Sometime, I'm really wondering why am I really working so hard for someting I'd no interest at all..Isnt it a waste of my time?. And I gonna endure all these for like 2 1/2 years more?...dear god...I'm really tired and annoyed...but I just refuse to show how grudgeful I am...
And all bout him...I've started to make a full-stop to my phantasm. It'd just been a fiction...yeap...a fiction. I'm not tired at all, dont be mistaken =) I just wanna concentrate what I'm exactly doing now, and try to figure out what I gonna do next....And all bout him, I still care as friend. Similarly as Jerry bro, and any other friends. Howeva, I not gonna have any relationship for the 2 1/2 years, cos I wanna focus on my study first and if possible, hoping ta start a business for myself in 5 yrs time =) I've lotsa ambition, and since life's short, I gonna do the best out of it, as long it dont cost my life yea?! lol. I'm being realistic =D
Wadeva, I'll be back ta study and make some self-reflection again...byebye ppl =)

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Reality
Life is full of ups and downs,
can be this minute happy, and the next min down.
But pls do not be silly my dear,
to torture ya eyes with ya tears,
cos they're jux been wasted for an immoral.
Keep ya spirit up my dear,
cos you're the world's angel.
Bring ya happiness to e population,
and thus destroy the evils.
The pure heart is with u my dear,
hence to all e rumours, wad's e big deal?
God sees wad people do, and he'd been blessing u.
Cheer up my innocent dear,
cos ya smile is jux so lovable =)

This so-called poem is for everybody =) If ya meet any rumours or obstacles out there, I hope tt my poem gets to cheer ya up abit=D Sorry ppl, I've a very poor language, but I'm trying ta get e best out of it , ya toO kx?! God will olwas bless..