Sunday, May 21, 2006

Short moment
Finally completed the OC assignment!!..It's jux few questions and I'd to take round 3 hours time to figure out what's exactly going on with all those alkene and alkane reactions..wad's a cis- and trans- geometrical isomers..E_ and Z- thingy n blarblarblar..Now I'm still abit blur..but still able to distinguish them. Lolx. See how slow I am...omg. Zzz..feel so so tired now..but can't sleep now...or I will surely oversleep and delay the meeting wif my jie meix..heeheex.

The sky turning dark..think gonna rain soon...I sort of like such me a moment of peace and cos it's cooling, I can help my mum save water bill lo. Lolx. cheapo of me..haha! I'm not so unhygenic la..IyO. sian..wondering wad's e next step ltr..back to study??..hmm..think I study OC first...since quiz is held this saturdae.Hohoho...kkx, gtg le, hope to get to ya soon!

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