Thursday, May 25, 2006

An idiot lyk me...
Argh!!...tml is PIPC quiz! excited and a bit nervous..excited cos at least I'd studied, nervous cos I'd predicted tt it's not gonna be smooth one for me whenever I'm prepared for's why, I dont really place high hopes on tt quiz.
How how how....I'm missing him...omg...I'm really an idiot! I wonder why he didnt reply to my msg..was it cos he really didnt receive tt?..or he wanna avoid me after he 'feels' smth or wadeva..Iya!!....shouldnt be too gd to him then..I really hated myself sometime for doing smth real stupid and I'm telling you..I'm afraid he's gonna be e next ah ji..escaping and saving his dear life from me..what e fxxx I'm doing...I should be studying!...Not bout all these stuffs!! Iya!!!!!...bless me ba...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Short moment
Finally completed the OC assignment!!..It's jux few questions and I'd to take round 3 hours time to figure out what's exactly going on with all those alkene and alkane reactions..wad's a cis- and trans- geometrical isomers..E_ and Z- thingy n blarblarblar..Now I'm still abit blur..but still able to distinguish them. Lolx. See how slow I am...omg. Zzz..feel so so tired now..but can't sleep now...or I will surely oversleep and delay the meeting wif my jie meix..heeheex.

The sky turning dark..think gonna rain soon...I sort of like such me a moment of peace and cos it's cooling, I can help my mum save water bill lo. Lolx. cheapo of me..haha! I'm not so unhygenic la..IyO. sian..wondering wad's e next step ltr..back to study??..hmm..think I study OC first...since quiz is held this saturdae.Hohoho...kkx, gtg le, hope to get to ya soon!
Jux saturday
Tat..tat..tat..It's in the wee hours now, and I'm trying to complete some of my assignments before I get to panick again tml...Blue sunday..haix..HOWEVER, I gonna meet my dajie and liu me soonx tml!! I think I'll ask san n si jie too...heeheex..miss them alot too!!..lolx. Really looking forward to see them. Hahahax. Haiyo..TP is alot stressed to me...can't imagine that a poly is as similar to a secondary school!..Quizes...long hours of lectures..term test in two weeks's driving me crazy!!..Haix..HTM..miss ya..

Btw, I met my classmates for the movie , I'd to say, fabulous! It comprises a lot of mysteries and it really beats around a bush to actually finalise the ending! It's three plus hours long too, assuming you have to stay seated there for such a long hour, and it's real painful there in my butt! lolx. I'd learnt sort of history too in the movie, interesting I admit. Heeheex..

I think I'm really back to miss him again...wad a silly gal I am...olwas there day and nite dreaming away..replying to every single of his sms...I'm really a dumbbell...Hope I can stop thinking of all these craps, get to my study and move on man!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Extra Time
Should be waiting for bus 359 now. But here I should I explain..Not slacking away, but trying hard to revise my HAP..heh heh..understand alot more from myself and the textbook rather than the boring lecture! Which starts early in the morning, and I know I can't absorb cos all my brain cells died due to the late nights I've these days. Nah nah...not days, should be weeks. I'll be scanning the next upcoming topic 4, about skeletal n integumentary studies..sounds quite fun to me. Science had not been my cup of tea for last 8 yrs. And now that I'd to face it, let it be then. But nvm, I'm satisfied so far. heehee.

He msg me yesterday. I was delighted of cos but spirit dampened when he failed to reply my msg at bout 6pm...assume that he was busy yesterday. I sort of missed him. what the hack I'm thinking. Silly gal. Wadever, time will pass by, and many things can be put behind.That includes him. People, I still suggest that you love urself than allowing others to take the chance to "love" and hurt you at the same time. People, I admit I'm stubborn, but this is how it should work. However, I hadn't suceed.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

No Time!
Heh...gotta blog fast now. Time is flying and yup, I'd to get thing fast!! Realised that I've the 'time-conscious' in me..heehee..feel like getting old soon. lolx. School in the last 2 weeks was obviously fun. On the other hand, Ive got to taste the feel of 'ups and downs'. All THANKS to the HTM course which had pestered everyone's mind. But for people like me, I'd no hope, I knew it. Hence, I gotta buck up now and earn more credits for my diploma and get enrolled into a good university that allows me to discharge my talents..heh heh..DISCHARGE? inappropriate word to use yea?..but this is what had exactly happened. Unmistakably, I'd used 4 years to study what I really hate and now I'd to struggle another 3 years to take what I'm really FU in...WTF...Fed up. But nvm, I'd made very good classmates, or rather friends there, and yup, I felt worth it. Wadever, really gotta go!! Starting a journey in "Biochemistry" and after that to "the concept of Human Anatomy and Physiology". God bless then, byebye!!