Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Random ~

有时... 不是你经历过的, 就没有资格去批评. 因为某些事并没有我们想象中那么简单. 换个角度说, 把自己放在当事人的角度看, 的确会受益不浅...

Hmmm... 我的确是很疯癫... Hahaha... 这样也比较快活一点 (:

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Location:Eden dental

Sunday, June 26, 2011

3 h 10 mins

It's a 3 h 10 mins date with baobei this morning! 简单来说, short & sweet! (:

These are my 战利品 for today! And it cost me $100 plus... Like wtf. But I did months of research before getting them, hence 宽恕自己...

So much stuffs that I wanna spend on! Here come my list:
1. IPL underarm
2. MP3
3. Ck watch
4. Fossil wallet
5. Poloroid films & it's 安全套

Should I give you an estimate on total amt would prob be... $689!!!
Wow darn rich seh... Strike 4D tonight and I'll buy them straight away! Tsk.

Okay la, the formula to spending is putting a balance to NEEDS & WANTS. You can WANT something when you have the excess after getting your NEEDS. And be sure what you need! For me, fossil wallet, watch are not NEEDS for me la of cos. They are... 幻想... Hahahahahaha!

To an accountant to be like me, you seriously need to be financially smart & resourceful. Resourceful? Oh, meaning to know where you can get cheapo stuffs lo! :D

Hao la, bussing home now. Wish me... 好心情! (: same to all~

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Saturday, June 25, 2011


Why my bf is working on a SATURDAY?!!!
WOW 好棒 oh.... -.-

Flashback! (:

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Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hello (:
最近心情似象股票滑跌到... 零. 很不愉快. 对许多事有所埋怨, 嫌弃这个不好那个不好... 但最后, 再自问一句, "什么才叫好?". 有时, 我会安慰自己,说: 也许老天被迫要把每一个人搞得有缺陷, 而从这些缺陷中提升自己.

做人也许很简单, 想要开心就尽管欢笑,不需被任何事物影响,不需任何顾虑. 我也真的希望如此...

我希望大家也一样, 过得开心,健康! (:

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Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Just another day passed

Baobei's busy, everyone's busy, I'll be busy.. soon too!
Hate working IT show, cos will be damn shag with sexy voice agn -.- iyo... My lesson coming soon the next week sia... Hope don't kana sore throat after then.
But! It's Lixian, my shitty buddy I'm working with, hence would be great! Can talk cock again.

Hmm wish everyone to take good care of ya health as I feel the weather darn bad these few months.

And for people whom failed ya exam like me, just Jia you & move on to the next sem, don't pray hard, but work hard for smth which you should deserve after repeating for the same thing. I admit I was darn down few days ago, but so what sia, what done is done, u gotta gotta move it~~~ I really gotta thanks Ck & Kelvin whom are willing to take the last sem modules with me, thanks dudes (:

Yesterday had a bad cramp till I tot I may had died out of a CRAMP?? -.- lol nonsense... But it was real bad yesterday till I got cold sweats all over. Lesson learnt: No cold drinks during period.

I'm just 22.... And I'm feeling even older like... 52? Not exaggerating.. But my body just couldn't catch up with my age lol. Lag sia. Climb a stair & I pant like hell. What sia.

Hokay, done crapping & I still owe a batam trip. Kao, I sucks. -.- soooooooon T.T

Well done, bus 58 not working, stop in e middle of nowhere, and my TV show is ending -.- wau liao~

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Monday, June 06, 2011


今天心情烂透了... 知道不会成功, 还真放希望进去... Baobei 今天又要倒大霉了... argh. 又累, 又无力....

P.S. 祝大家端午节快乐! *random -.-

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Saturday, June 04, 2011


Bored..... Sleepy..... Norin's mask really awesome (: gonna get Himalayas Neem face pack ltr & try out tonight!

Will credit or discriminate after I seen the results hahaha.

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Friday, June 03, 2011


因为你们的体谅, 我更感到惭愧...

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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Exam results released

Released. Failed one. -.-
Downright emo.. But no point grumbling bout it...
The main thing is : I CAN'T ACCEPT IT.
Sent out an appeal to the coordinator, hoping for miracles to occur, and they could reply such thing like : We are deeply apologetic towards the mistakes made and wish to inform you that your final grade is a PASS.
Well, hoping & dreaming...

Was like looking at my results and tons of mixed feeling came about.

1. Am I suppose to be sad that I got NN (fail) for Corp acct? Or

2. Be glad that I got DI (distinction) for the other two subjects?

Okay well, I failed my bro. Failed him badly till I hate myself for these... Sry bro, wad a bdae pressy I had for u :(

Am starting to make financial plannings after grad, need a year to pay my bro. And another year for wedding. It's like... Kao. How can I afford to fail again -.-

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