Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Time is super tight for me these daes, 24 hrs per day is just not enough! I wonder when can I start slacking again....I need to play just for a while!...

Went for an underage party last sundae, got to noe wad's tt all about...and tell u wad, it's bit of boring to be 17 cos many stuffs are restricted. No alcohol and hence no extreme 'high' for me....lol. Maybe I'm too dependent on it but it doesnt really surface tt...hais. Understand the tactics of getting advantages from gals by guys and kao, u really can't react at tt point of time...cos just too spontaneous. Now liu meis was right.

For the worse come to worse, I've lost interest in guys??...-_-||'....But dun worry, I've neither for gals too. lol. This is just so terrible....I'm right now wondering when can I ever meet that guy in the bus....sort of really 'adhered' to him since dunno wadeva dae and time....

Last fridae, got to meet this super friendly and nice family from sweden in lotus, and guess what, I'm invited to their homeland!...Oh god, how I wish I could earn enough for the flight and enjoy the luxury they promised me...T_T...Simply sweeter than sucrose!....hahahhs!.
This reminds me of posting them a greeting email!...I'm olwas so so so so forgetful...hais.

Okay, talking bout the entrepeuneurship...I mean the seminar from the video...Okay, here's what I've learnt and prepared to discuss with Ms Ng...

The name of a company, shop or even product gives the image of themselves. Take for an eg., when you first scanned the name "energizer", what you'll think of??...An electronic product or any other things else??... Catchy names attracts the public to actually find out more bout the product or company.
An associate age is tested for credibility. If u're 26, ppl doubt bout ur experience and reliability...but if u're said to be 36, yeap they trust u. See the difference?... However, I feel that it really depends individually....it doesnt means that if u're 26, u cannot be a boss, and if u're 36, u' cannot be other's employee. This sounds bit of irony, but I just wanna tackle the fact.

And there're lots more factors to be discussed....but I'm sort of lazy...cos gonna rush to bathe and have my reports done!...Cya!

Lotsa ideas,

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The day I gonna forget u...

Indulging in the powerful song entitled .... But I'd lost the 'belief'...

To him...I'm really nobody....
To me... He stood an important role in me...

Too bad...it's all in the past... no more him...no more the guy I respected...

My gals are trying to matchmake me with the Fisherman...lol. Sounds funny cos I'd never thought of it. We're ppl who love to entertain others....but quiet in nature. Roughly I noe wad type of guy he is. I wont deny the fact that he's a super nice guy...very caring and thoughful...Thanks to this person that I got to cheer up last week. =) However, I still feel that both hao and him make an item XP

Hais....when can I ever meet my Mr froggy....the tai zi I'd mentioned from business school...hais...Seems hard and fiction...lol. Wadever, I'll wait for a better one... I wanna a boyfriend-cum-husband....I can't imagine myself dating two males in my life!...so weird lahs.

I wanna go kbox!!....sing heartily...lyk I did when I went to Genting Hotel XP had fun with my cousin =) Heehee....

I want nth else now....just good rest and be able to cope with my work n quizes this fridae T_T

Jia you jia you!...I must love myself!

Signing off,

Friday, November 03, 2006

Well, there're really sometimes we hate to face certain problems... Things just cropped up, and u'll simply freak out "Oh!... What e hack?!"

Iyoyo...Really dont feel lyk celebrating my bdae this yr...tot I was looking forward to...but looks lyk no one cares, so forget it bahs.. And as time flies, term test approaching...I gonna hide myself in the books again...I must work hard this yr, nth can stop me X)

Had a hot and delicious steamboat in bugis with Carmen, Frenly, Mich, Rubayn, Mark and Issac todae, really had fun! Oh god, how can they be so funny that I broke out laughing non-stop!...I know as long as I'm with them, I'll neva feel down!...Cheers to ya guys!... Really thanks ya guys so much cos I'm growing to love my own course.. X) Friends are everything and I know I can't afford to lose..

See a very nice dolphin necklace todae!...iyo...but quite ex...If I buy it for her...will she lyk it??...

So wad's my schedule tml?...certainly abit pack...I wanna go gym...then back to TP to purchase some books and make some self-study there...then off to work...

Seen a super pretty white watch!...Stainless steel for goodness sake ... Water-resistant... omg!... How can I not buy?!....I just love the design!... It's gracious...I just love it!

The clock gonna tick 12am...but I suppose I'm slpy...I wanna get some slp before I turn on my serious mode tml morning!...Jia you Manda!...You're moving on fine =)

Lotsa love n some disappointment,