Tuesday, February 01, 2011

It's taking me forever to "pen" down my thoughts.
Yet if I don't, I'll feel those hormonal imbalance which I reckon all women would have.

Now in the middle of line, hesitant to pour out my emotions, or to greet my countable readers a Happy CNY.
Alright, let me get the bad things done.

I'm down with pretty complicated emotions and thoughts today.
Ups and downs, you call it, yea, thanks to Jay Sean, it's all "down down down down down~~"

First, projects.
I'm always excited and all in bout that, but it never fails to kick me in the ass.
It's not that I couldn't accept criticism, or you call that your opinion, perception, point of view, whatever, I just don't like how the misunderstandings were dealt with.
You tell me this, I did, when done, I'm shot.
Hokay, so what's now?
First to feed you some logics:
Not all scholars tick the right choice, on the other hand, it doesn't mean all
ignoramus always made the wrong pick.
Nothing surface its value not until you see, hear or feel it.
Man, okay stop this for now.

Second, it's something that had bothered me since like a month ago.
Make it short here.
You know how we care and worship one another,
don't make it cease,
not even till this world ends.
Come on, life's too short for all those insignificant misunderstandings.

Cooling down........

Days crept by and yea CNY's coming.
Hereby wishing all a Happy & Prosperous CNY in this Rabbit year.
Somehow rabbit makes me think of three precious peeps.
Gala, Frenly & Dear.
Probably cos both friends own rabbits as pets, and that Dear is born in that year.
Hokay, off track, randomness~~
Last but not least, take care to zillions of peeps out there and have a fruitful week ahead.