Thursday, March 30, 2006

A rubbish
I'm a piece of rojak now. Currently demoralised by e unknown result of my appeal and the feel of desertion from my dad. I felt not fair. Really, unfair to me. Why am I olwas searching to understand them well, but they just couldnt make an effort to stand in my shoes. Is this how a family should work out?...I had said millions and millions of time, those are not unhealthy pubs out there in clark quay, they're well-maintained and casual places for adults to drink. That's all!!...And there're security guards around there who act as nanny to all ppl there!!..Hence, no worry at all!!..
And....tml might be my last dae in clark quay...hoping there's miracles to come true. I'll miss everyone there, except for some black asshole there. If god loves to play tricks on me, let it be then. I'm tired cos I dun think I'm enjoying e feeling of hide-and-seek in this long holidae. I'd fun of cos, but I'm sad almost all times. I lost e faith of waiting for a person which cost me 4 yrs without any changes. And now, I'm again having a crush on someone whom dun meant to stay in my life. I'm a failure at e time being, and I'm trying to make a change for myself. I'm trying, and I mean it.

Friday, March 10, 2006

nOt tt I'm being offensive, but over-reliance is e primary cause of broken hearts and friendships. Sometime I wondered, have I dOne e right thing?..Had I used the correct way to handle e bonds within my circle of friends?..I'm certainly confused by tt. But I know somehow I'd did something real wrong. Sorry to some of my ex- 2/8 friends for real losing contacts with ya guys. It's really my fault. I mean for e negliance. I dun mean it,really. And up till now, I'm still a failure. But wad I can say is, I felt unfair n yup, UNFAIR. Why r we trying our best to hold on something, and yet e other party made no initiative to do e same thing and weakening the group instead. I'm more sad than resentful of cos. I hate how e way we actually "governed" e group, how e way e other party being too sensitive and out-of-mind. And most of all, how a party actually dun give a hack care to explain wad HAS HAPPENED and leaving a big mess behind. And I'm telling ya guys, we're not cleaners.

And lastly, if a friendship jux lose tt trust, everything is gone. Goodness sake.

Friday, March 03, 2006

ruIned ambItIon
*sObbs*...y Is e result lyk tt??...Wad Is wrOng wIth my result tt I cant get IntO my aspIred cOurse??...Y I get IntO bIotec Instead Of hOspitality??...why why why??!!...I felt sO demOralised nOw...e cOurse whIch I've been dreamIng fOr nearly 5 years...I wanna get IntO e servIce line, tt's my ambitiOn. I wanna establish my goals Out of tt...y Is gOd olwas playIng trIcks On me??...Did I dO smth wrOng??...Or It is predestIned??..nO!!...I nOt gOnna let gO of my dream!!..I'll grasp every oppOrtunity I'd 2 get 2 tt cOurse!!...N I mean It. =(