Monday, August 29, 2011


I look so grumpy when I was young... Hahaha..

Finally toothache stops for awhile... Really hope it gets better tml -.-

*cross finger... Even baobei says why I'm so weak these days.. :'(

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Friday, August 26, 2011

C 奶!! (:

Dinner cum supper @ C-Nai HK Cafe, with the live concert! (:

How I hope I could be one of them too... (:

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The August babies yo!

Happy bdae to my Atas frens @ an Atas place!!! Lol.

Love ya gals (:

Feeling a bit~~~ well~ post alcohol syndrome...

Nights!!! :D

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

I think I need...

WHAT no.1: I think I need a swim cum sun tanning...

WHY no.1: Cos I wanna look tanned a bit...

WHAT no.2: I need to read some books...

WHY no.2: Textbooks are way too boring...

WHAT no.3: I wanna try out food @ Bernie's

WHY no.3: Cos it's near my place & cool ambience there...

WHAT no.4: I wanna take a nap now

WHY no.4: I'm simply shag

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's not a lonely sat (:

It's a hot & rainy sat today.
OB assignment 1 down! (:

Dinner-ed with the guys.
And now gg tamp to shop!
Alone, of cos (:
Can't let my sat just end like this.

There was this kid whom tried teasing me through the glass panel adjacent to the train seats. So cute! (: Touched me, then giggled himself -.- lol. I dunno wad these kids are thinking but so angelic to me hahaha. Cos they brighten up my day. (:

I need music & shop & books ltr!

Bye yo!~

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Once per wk kind of date

While getting busy over school work, I'm still hunting for a work-play balance. Need no lavish entertainments, just a nice companion would suffice. (:

I hope for more though...

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Monday, August 15, 2011


我很热爱唱歌... 但对他而言, 是刺耳的...
有那么差吗? :(
面对一个与你毫无共同点的人, 是一种....
Well~ speechless.

但我不会因为他, 而放弃我爱的音乐! (:

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Friday, August 12, 2011


有时啊... 就很闷, 或有点心情的时候, 他总是不在.

有时啊...很想报喜, 或诉苦的时候, 他总不接电话.



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Monday, August 08, 2011

Before thirty

Someday... Before the age of thirty... I want a grounded asset & a FC!!!! (:

It's Singapore's 46th years bdae!! Happy national day peeps! (: Be it watching the thrill in front of the tv or straight @ the scene! WoOTs!

Kinda envy couples whom have had dates for simple fireworks cos I think it's awesome! (: but well... I know I don't get this kind of entertainment as much as I would love to. Well, project time tml! 0.0

Learn to create alternatives for yourself, will do you good! (:

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Saturday, August 06, 2011

Speechless from today


Need not butter me up, who you think you are?
Pardon me for being so sarcastic, I don't need a useless man.


I'm independent
I don't need a baby sitter
I can live well alone
I learnt to solve my own troubles


You really hurt me a lot...

P.S. First time serves as warnings, second time I'm losing patience, third time, do slap yourself hard cos I don't think I need to explain more. What about umpteen times? Sorry, I should be cold to you then.

For once, and for all, I make sure this problem dies here and I would never repeat them again.

I need to move on for myself.

What? Unless he's worth, I won't flaunt to the world how great he is.

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