Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This is what you can give...

不要告诉我 "我忘了... sorry..really sorry"
If you're unable to keep your promise, well~ I won't trust you much either.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


哈哈... 压力好大啊.... 今年会考并非容易, 所以难免压力会大一点... 但我不停催眠自己,说.... 很快就会过去的... 读书也读了 21 年,失败也失败过了,又不是没跌过,你在害怕什么啦....我承认我追求完美, 梦想一堆啊~所以请自己不要辜负自己!!!! Argh.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Flu makes me dizzy -.- While fever is finally over!!!! Omg -.- realised my health ain't as good as in e past, gotta do smth bout it. Meanwhile, gotta skim through the tough part of exam first & then move on with my dreams!!!!! Alright, think no more & focus on what's leading (: Hokay ppl take care yea. Sleep early, drink more water, and avoid junk foods!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

烧还没退... 作晚量的是 39.5 •C.. 虽然并不觉得烧退了,能走,能吃, 能开玩笑算不错了啦. Hahahaha 药开始"走"了,要进入梦乡了... 生病的时候自然会想要依赖人, 但斩时的我没有这样的权力, 只有盼望下个星期天的到来,才能看到他的鬼脸 Haha... 好了,该 orh orh 了... Bye bye (:

Friday, April 08, 2011

生病了 :(

一起身就浑身作痛, 反来覆去就是睡不好... Well, 我生病了... 真是错的时间 -.- 宝贝很贴心, 特地从 Bishan 来陪我吃午餐. 虽然短短 15 分钟, 还是有一插那的温暖 (: 我就久久一次说他的好, 下一次就可能很久了 Hahahahah. 大姐就是大姐, 随然唠叨了点, 但还是贴心的! (:

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Need a punching bag badly. Perhaps kickboxing or best Muay Thai should fall into my schedule after exam. Have so much that I wanna do... Esp to attend vocal lessons. But no good deals yet -.- okay off to school *grumble


对你而言,我只有大大的失望。连小事都不能出席,可想而知我在你心中有多么的苗小。我不需害怕我没资格,只怕一个没用的人在我身边。好就是好,不好就是不好,而你呢?烂透了,人都不如。fucker, 送给你。

Monday, April 04, 2011


Saturday, April 02, 2011


"You won't understand the dateless weekends that I ought to endure de la..."

Hence, when I complain, you SHUT UP.
I won't feign ignorance when I'm unhappy, okay? Full stop.

Horight, I'm simply busy till I roam to work, school & home with empty head.
Insufficient sleep & menses make me fed up.
And congrats to people whom pissed me off today, cos you should have kanna from me.

Wow, a lot of cool shit thingy happened for past few months.
But I'm just so lazy to post.
Hence, for more entertainments on my Batam Trip with the Loo's family,
pls visit www.qytti.blogspot.com, sit back & relax!
*credits to Mali Mali Chan for the efforts & all. HAHAHA.