Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 gonna bid us farewell in less than 48 hours time,
hence I shall welcome a brand new 2011 in advance!!! ((:

It's a roller coaster for me this year.
A series of UPs & DOWNs.
But who cares, my 2011 shall be better!.

Hence peeps, put down ur whatever shit in 2010,
and start off a sui one in 2011!!!! ((:

Hokay, no more mood to blog le.
BYEBYE!!!! ((:


Friday, December 17, 2010

I can't sleep yesterday night! :(
And I'm feeling tired now! =.=

Bad start of the day.
Hate feeling lethargic when morning comes,

It's uncle's ROM today!
And if not of this event, I didn't know ROM was moved to Maxwell due to renovation or smth.

A fren was like preparing to lend his listening ears to my "failed" relationship...
And I was like "Huh???.....I need not worry too much for that, cos this bf is too good to "hiam"
Because you are too good, you make me sound bad la! Hmmp! :X
Love you dude.

Hokay, time to iron my dress!
*Thanks to Ah song seh.
Bye Bye!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Don't Take Things Too Hard

When you do, most prob you'll be unhappy :(
Maybe that's me, hence I seemed to be miserable all times.
To me & my dearest especially.

At The Age of Twenty-One

What matters most to a normal gal like me are kinship, relationship & friendship.
Let alone the SBC every logical ones would wanna have it.
Status, Beauty & Cash.


Of cos they matters to me the most,
but somehow I know my Mom adores my Bro the most.
This is definitely as he's the breadwinner of this Family & he's filial.
And it kinda gets obvious when she gets older,
as she'll repeat how great my Bro for umpteen times.
But I never get jealous, amazingly, cos Bro gave all his love he can to us the siblings ((:


None other than him knows me the best.
None other than him treats me the best.
None other than him would tolerate the worst me.
I'm starting to regret not treating him better, as I'm investing all I can for my friends, but apparently, he's the only one whom really bothers me.
He's a lousy boyfriend, yet the best husband I would love to marry to.
In conclusion, no one can replace him.


Peeps whom you thought would bothers you, don't.
But those whom you thought don't,did.
See, life's simply full of changes.

My Pointless Point Is

There's no short-cut in life, just like there's no fixed formula for the (perhaps) 100 years that you're living on earth.
What you gave, need no returns.
What you think, doesn't means it accommodates to all.

Life's as fair, cos I'd nvr lose myself so far.
But when you did, it doesn't matters too,
cos you're alr used to what you are now.
So what if it's bad or good,
it's simply a change that everyone can adapt so fast.

This Post Is Just Nth
Just A Voice From Me, Manda